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我已经声明,我不会伤害任何人。I have stated I will not victimize anybody.

是谁干的?-我知道你想牵怒于我,伙计。Who did it?- I knew you were gonna victimize me, man.

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他们的什么行为使我受到伤害、被冒犯或成为受害者?B. What did each of these people do to hurt, offend, or victimize me?

我国则是后发并超越韩、日的最大受害国。Then our country overstep the Korea, Japan became the biggest victimize country.

灾害期间,我国人民站起来之一,并互相帮助,互相不受害。During disasters, the Chinese people rise up as one and help one another not victimize each other.

扎尔达里的发言人否认了这些指控,并且这是捏造出来陷害扎尔达里的。Mr. Zardari's spokesman denied the allegations and said they were fabricated to victimize him. Mr.

既然受害方都表示不愿再追究,为什么你要那么危言耸听呢?Since victimize square all mean not a wish again pursue, why do you want so startling statement creates a sensation?

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扎尔达里的发言人否认了这情M并且说资产清单不准确,是伪造出来陷害扎尔达里的。Mr. Zardari's spokesman denied the allegations and said the asset list was inaccurate and fabricated to victimize Mr. Zardari.

同时,他补充说,“大多数人牺牲了那些理他们生活、工作或者游览非常近的地方。”In the same way, he adds, "most burglars victimize places that are very close to where they live, or where they work, or where they hang out.

同时,他补充说,“大多数人牺牲了那些理他们生活、工作或者游览非常近的地方。”In the same way, he adds, "most burglars victimize places that are very close to where they live, or where they work, or where they hang out."

但是,在我们积极地保护儿童避免这种伤害的过程中,我们必须确保,这部原先是为他们的利益而制定的法律,没有充当进一步伤害他们的工具。But in our zeal to protect children from such dangers, we must ensure that we don't use the law, which was enacted for their benefit, to victimize them further.

随后赶来的受害妇女指证该名男子在珠晖区国税分局巷口处将其金耳环抢去。Rush through to come later on of victimize woman to allege that man in the bead Hui ward national tax branch office entrance to alley its gold earring bear away.

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掌握赔偿主体、赔偿的范围、赔偿的程序与责任分担,有利于及时救济保护受害人。Control to compensate the corpus, compensatory scope, compensatory procedure and responsibilities to share, be advantageous to relieving the protection to victimize the person in time.

还有一个很小却真实的可能性就是你可能成为一位蓄意引诱你进入一个脆弱位置的猎食者的受害人,来获得可能用于控制你或使受害人化的信息。There's also a slim but real chance you could fall victim to a predator who's deliberately luring you into a vulnerable position, gathering information that can be used to control or victimize you.