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询问有关乐队成员的事。Inquire about bandmates.

我要打听一下火车的运行时刻。I'll inquire about the trains.

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她就去求问耶和华。So she went to inquire of the Lord.

打电话询问开放时间和门票价格。Why don' t you inquire by telephone ?

你最好问明如何到达那儿。You had better inquire how to get there.

警察于是询问东山魁夷!Police therefore inquire Kaii Higashiyama!

我建议你打听一下这份工作。I recommend that you inquire about the job.

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你介意我询问一下你的工资吗?Do you mind me to inquire about your salary?

我要去打听一下票价。I'll inquire about the price of the tickets.

他到医院去打听她的情况。He went to the hospital to inquire about her.

欢迎广大商友来电咨询。洽谈!Welcome to the Friends of inquire. negotiate!

请在申请兑换免票时,予以确认。Please inquire when applying for award tickets.

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接近他们或询问“谁给你做的颜色?”Approach them and inquire "Who does your color?"

依我看,诸位先生,我们无需再问了。Methinks, gentlemen, we need inquire no further!

欢迎各方客户来函来电咨询定制。Welcome all customers customized letter to inquire.

欢迎来电咨询或登陆我的网上店铺浏览。Welcome to inquire or go to my online stores browse.

小天狼星也不会希望你问起这些事。Sirius wouldn't have wanted you to inquire about that.

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他们决定彻底调查这件事。They determined to inquire thoroughly into the matter.

插条式标签,便于资料查询。With quickset label, easy to inquire about information.

当春天再来的时候,不必再询问花期。When come again in spring , needn't inquire florescence.