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使得墙裂了缝,二人并肩都走得过。And makes ga even two can pa abreast.

遗传算法是一种宏观意义上的仿生算法。GA is mimic-life algorithm in grandness.

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穿针引线本身就是一种技巧。Threading ga needle is an art in itself.

编词典是趯极其吃力的苦差。Compiling ga dictionary is an awful sweat.

她这名字就是来自他们的一首歌,名叫嘎嘎作响的收音机。She took her name from their song Radio Ga Ga.

咩野食物含有大量噶维生素D?。Does baa wild food contain D of many Ga vitamin?

由于是共青团员,他经常帮助他人。Being ga League member, he is always helping others.

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所以我们认为它是赤霉素相关突变体。So we think the dwarf mutant "DDF-1" was GA insensitive.

但是还请下课后将表格交回办公室并签退。But please still return it to GA after class and sign off.

在其他情况下,外径100联大措施过低坦佩叉涂抹。At other cases the OD 100 GA measure a too low temperature.

目前佐治亚州哥登堡正在使用一套CENTAUR系统,其他系统正在进行测试。A CENTAUR system is currently being used at Fort Gordon, Ga.

恩雅·马汀是市场观察报驻佐治亚州迪卡特市的记者。Anya Martin is a MarketWatch reporter, based in Decatur, Ga.

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那么我们可以从HowStuffWorks的总部所在地佐治亚州的亚特兰大开始。So let's start with HowStuffWorks headquarters in Atlanta, Ga.

GA处理能缩短报春花种子萌发时间。Treatment seed with GA could make seed germination time short.

如果你是一个作家,我想你会爱上用银河冒险来编故事。If you are a writer I think you'll love making stories with GA.

通过对结果的分析,得出设计的新算法比普通的遗法效率高的结论。The result prove that the new algorithm is better than the general GA.

奇异的深坑位于埃里森洞穴,在拉斐特的东方。Fantastic Pit is located in Ellisons Cave, just east of La Fayette, GA.

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利用遗传算法对麦弗逊悬架进行了优化。In this paper a McPherson suspension is optimized with the using of GA.

索菲深吸了一口气,急匆匆地走到被灯光照得通亮的谋杀现场。Taking ga deep breath, Sophie hurried down to the well-lit crime scene.

在车型选择上,借鉴了遗传算法中基于轮盘赌的选择策略。Type-choosing relies on the selection strategy based on roulette of GA.