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泥垢总是积在肚脐眼里。Dirt gets rolled up in your navel.

蒸脐炉,脐疗法的主要用具。It is the main tool for navel treatment.

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以前是啃噬痛而且只有在肚脐上方。The pain was gnawing and only above my navel.

从胎盘袋子中拉出的剪断的脐带。Placenta in bag with cut navel cord jutting out.

若是腹部,应以肚脐眼为中心。If the abdomen, should take the navel as a center.

她身穿一件格子衬衫,衣角在肚脐上方打了个结。She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel.

主要品种有特早熟、早熟、温州蜜柑、脐橙。Main varieties are very early, early, Satsuma , navel orange.

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闭上眼,想象一下布莱尼的肚脐被衣服盖住的样子。Close your eyes and try to picture Britney with her navel covered.

在某种程度上,肚脐是一个吸引异性目光的奇怪部位。In some ways, the navel is an odd region to attract our prurient gaze.

猫咪饿的光阴,把猫粮一颗颗卡在自己肚脐眼里。When a kitty is hungry, stuck the cat food into one's navel one by one.

这是童年一次手术出错的结果。Karolina’s absent navel is the result of a childhood surgery gone wrong.

反之,肚脐位置低,躯干长,游泳就快。While a lower navel means a longer torso which makes for a better swimmer.

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橙子是生活中必不可少的美味水果,汁多而味美。Navel orange is one of the favorite fruits in our life for its tasty juice.

尾骨向地板的方向拉长,耻骨向肚脐的方向提升。Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and lift the pubis toward the navel.

库斯科的意思是肚脐,因为古人们认为这个城市是世界的中心。Cusco means navel, for the ancients felt the city was the navel of the world.

而且有许多的无核水果,比如脐橙,无核西瓜。And then there are seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons.

乔斯假定亚当真的有一个肚脐因为人类是如何形成的。Gosse postulated that Adam did have a navel because it is how humans are formed.

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它的气力在腰间,能力在肚腹的筋上。Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

露脐和露腹,或设计的大露背看起来都很性感。reveal the navel and abdomen hollowing out, or big dew back design all looks sexy.

你可以看到戴余乔桥,歌塔,吃尽可能多的脐橙。You can see YU DAI QIAO bridge, SONG tower and eat as much navel orange as you can.