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翣“要我把她的名字刻在上面吗?。Shall I engrave her name on it?

大理石很难雕刻。It is difficult to engrave in marble.

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您可以雕刻任何想说的甜言蜜语或者祝福语。You can engrave any words that you want.

我们必须将经文铭刻我们的心里和灵魂里。We must engrave the texts on our hearts and souls.

你是否知道你的音容相貌已完全印入我的心里?Didn't you know your face had already engrave in my mind ?

刻她就变成只落汤鸡了!Engrave her to convert Be obtaining extra dropping watery!

他请钟表匠把他的名字刻在手表的背面。He had the jeweler engrave his name on the back of the watch.

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那不可破译。玛雅族群,他们在石头上刻下了什么。That cannot be deciphered. Maya tribe, what did they engrave on stones?

要取两块红玛瑙,在上面刻以色列儿子的名字Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel

所以,让我们铭记自己的身份,镌刻自己的足迹。Therefore, lets us remember always that own status, engrave their trail.

铭记秋至,你的安宁的容颜,你身后的原野。Engrave the approach of autumn, your peaceful look, the wild fields behind you.

就在那天我爸爸决定将他送给我的那块特别的手表刻上字。It was on that day my father decided to engrave the very watch he was giving me.

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铭记飞雪,一切被无声掩埋的事物,暂时休憩。Engrave flying snow, all events that being covered in silence, repose temporally.

这个雕刻过程一开始是设计你想雕刻东西的矢量图。The process starts with designing what you want to engrave as vector-based artwork.

惹急了一人一把刀一个龟壳,刻甲骨文!Ask for nasty one person's a turtle hull with a knife, engrave oracle-bone scripture!

买一支大蜡烛,然后用一支没有装铅芯的自动铅笔在上面雕刻一些特别的标语。Buy a large candle, and use a mechanical pencil with no lead in it to engrave a message.

实际上,在雕塑的时候,一开始就把非本质的东西凿掉了。But in fact, we already remove the unessential things at the start we engrave the statue.

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希腊客户求购激光雕刻机用于雕刻人像,材料是水晶和蛋白石。A client from Greece looks for laser engraver machines to engrave portrait on crystal & opal.

我持续获得“月最佳员工”奖,因为我的名字最短,雕刻的花费最少。I keep winning Employee Of The Month because my name is the shortest and it costs less to engrave.

我持续获得“月最佳员工”奖,因为我的名字最短,雕刻的花费少.I keep winning Employee of The Month because my name is the shortest and it costs less to engrave.