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缝纫机忙碌地轧轧响着。The sewing machine hums busily.

他正忙着答考试卷。He is answering the test paper busily.

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经一日忙碌,从此她就在此站立。Worked busily a day, and there she stands.

不错,中国也在忙于建设高速公路。Yes, China is also busily building highways.

我正在厨房忙着煮鱼。I was busily cooking the fish in the kitchen.

他把它拿下来,匆忙地翻查了一遍。He took it down and busily thumbed it through.

我瞥了一眼乔纳森,他正忙着画一幅画。I glanced at my son busily coloring a picture.

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那部车子的主人正忙著洗著他的车。The owner of the car is washing his car busily.

您还是每天忙碌漫无目的的过日子吗?Do you live busily and purposelessly every day ?

她把小说拿下来,匆匆地翻阅了一下。She took the novel down and busily thumbed it through.

蜜蜂身子全干了以后,它嗡嗡叫着飞走了。When it was all dry again, it flew away buzzing busily.

我不住地羡慕那辆车,此时我看到了车主。I was busily admiring the car, when I noticed the driver.

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急切地写着要紧的书信,准备交五月花带走。Busily writing epistles important, to go by the Mayflower.

他正在忙着的时候,马车夫走进房来。He was busily engaged at it when the cabman entered the room.

史密斯教授忙于钻研学问,他闭门谢客。Being busily engaged in study, Professor Smith sported his door.

他站在那里很忙碌的在一个笔记本上记录着观察资料。He was standing there busily noting down observation in a note-book.

大炮近旁的士兵更忙碌,更活跃了。The soldiers bustled more busily and briskly than ever about the cannons.

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我们也在积极筹备印度总统对中国的国事访问。We are also busily preparing the state visit by Indian President to China.

人们杀猪宰羊,忙碌地准备着春节大吃大喝一番。Peoplepig, busily preparing for the Spring Festival after eating and drinking.

他没有气馁,反而忙碌地计划新行动。Instead of being crestfallen, he was busily engaged in planning new activities.