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请为慕道真理班的弟兄姊妹祷告。Pray for those who attend the catechism class.

答案可能会发现,在迄今为止最小的讲授。The answer may be found in our smallest catechism.

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你能够答复我有关保障的问题吗?Would you affliction to answer my catechism on the assurance?

热情而有活力的敬虔是这个教理问答独特的标记之一。Warm, vital piety is one of the distinguishing marks of the catechism.

请为将要受洗及慕道真理班的弟兄姊妹祷告。Pray for those who will be baptized and those are in the catechism class.

英国的儿童需要学习他们独特的行为规范基本准则。English children have their own particular catechism of accepted conduct to learn.

从衞斯敏特的短篇教义问答得知,人最主要的目的是荣耀神并永远享受他。Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever, by Westminster Shorter Catechism.

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本书的内容包含了一系列有关韦斯敏斯德小要理问答的前38个问答讲道。As to content, it is a series of sermons on the first 38 questions of the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

这一条在数个世纪前的基督教要理问答题,清楚的说明了我们对神的信心根基。This question and answer in a centuries-old Christian catechism clearly expresses the basis of our faith in God.

我也曾经是个有礼貌的、信神的孩子,我可以把教义背得那么快,以至于你连字句都无法分辨出来。And I was a civil, pious boy, and could rattle off my catechism that fast, as you couldn't tell one word from another.

我们的会友和母亲们每个星期天都来向这位修女学习教义及其他的事情。They are our oratorians with the Mothers who also come every Sunday to also learn catechism and many other things from the Sisters.

此信条和比利时信仰告白、海德堡要理问答一起,是作为改革宗信仰与实践之仅次于圣经的标准。They serve along with the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism as a standard for Reformed faith and practice, subordinate to Scripture.

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他为倮倮人建教堂、办学校、起水坝,又以倮倮人具三千年历史的文字,翻译要理问答及经文。Above all, he translated the Catechism of the Catholic Church and daily prayers into the Lolo's own language, an ancient language that is over 3000 years old.

我们借用教义问答集来对教义式讲道获得一些要领。关于每个教义部分的讲道经文在问答集里可以轻松找到。Borrowing from the Catechism, we may come up with some ideas for doctrine sermons. Sermon texts can easily be found in the catechism sections on each doctrine.

大部分的影响路德教世界各地的可以追溯到的成功,这在讲授表示深刻的真理的信念,在语言,大家都可以理解。Much of the influence of Lutheranism around the world can be traced to the success of this catechism in expressing the profound truths of the faith in a language that all can understand.

在讲课时,宜采用以讲授法为主,辅以问答法和自学指导法的教学方法。It is also supposed to adopt teaching methods that give priority to dictation and combine catechism and self learning during classroom teaching, according to the characteristics of engineering course.

宗教最初被定义为一套信念,或要求你接受的,一套教理问答和真理,在我看来这是用,问答式呈现的宗教主张,这种形式在圣经里是,完全不存在。Religion became defined primarily as a set of beliefs, a catechism of beliefs or truth that required your assent, what I think of as the catechism kind of notion of religion.That's entirely alien to the world of the Bible.