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男孩的双亲来此接他,然后把他带回德国西部北莱茵─西发里亚邦的哈木。His parents came to pick him up and took him back home to Hamm, in the western state of North-Rhine Westphalia.

自威斯特伐利亚条约以来,国际社会见证了数次国际权力基础变化。The international community has witnessed several different types of international power basis since Westphalia.

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自由城市的领土的数目之多是令人惊讶的,在西华里亚和平时期,曾经一度增至几百之多。The number of territories was amazingly large, rising to several hundreds at the time of the Peace of Westphalia.

在2005年5月大选中,社民党失去了北莱茵-威斯特法伦地区的选票,使得施罗德总理提前进行联邦政府大选。It was the SPD's loss of North Rhine- Westphalia in May 2005 that led Mr Schröder to call an early federal election.

现代国家制度演变而来的,由1648年的威斯特伐利亚和平建立的国家主权观念。The modern state system evolved from the idea of national sovereignty established by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.

然而,经评估后,青海威斯特法伦州的权利和为2.25亿元人民币的所有股东的利益。However, after assessment, Qinghai Westphalia the rights and interests of all shareholders valued at 2.25 billion yuan.

我在腓德南国王阁下邀请下前去担任合唱团的指挥,年薪为800金币。I'm going at the invitation of his majesty the King of Westphalia as the Kappellmeister with an annual salary of 800 ducats in gold.

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自威斯特伐利亚体系建立以来,安全始终是主权国家在国际环境变化中的根本目标。Since the system in Westphalia was set up, security is the basic goal of sovereign states inthe international environment all the time.

另有资料说“科隆大教堂位于德国的北莱茵—威斯特法伦州,是在希尔德博尔德遗址上修建的”。Another information indicated that "the Cologne Cathedral was located in Westphalia , North Rhine, Germany and had been built on the ruins of Herdebold's."

这本书提供了一个简短的,但全面,考虑宗教信仰和欧洲之间的经验,于1648年在威斯特伐利亚定居点和法国大革命。This book offers a brief, but comprehensive, account of religious belief and experience in Europe between the Westphalia settlements in 1648 and the French Revolution.

冷战后随着欧盟日益进入后民族时代,它的国际身份发生了重大变化,体现出超越威斯特伐利亚体系的特点。After the cold war and with the inauguration of the post-national era, EU's international identity changed and manifested some characteristics alien to the Westphalia system.