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我要去海天大酒店。I am going to Haitian Hotel.

参与这些课程的学生并不都是海地人。Not all of the students are Haitian.

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乐儿亲自给海天炖汤。Who tries to Haitian stew in person.

乐儿找到海天,问他怎么了。Both find Haitian and asked him what was wrong.

海地新社区的重建和培训工作Re-building and Educating the Haitian Community

还说海天要求安置自己的军队。Also said Haitian requirements placed his own army.

海天帮忙去追,才认出居然是乐儿。The Haitian help go after, we recognized that is LeEr.

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要是你们有门道的话,请帮我也带几个海地孩子吧。If you got the hookup, please get me a couple of Haitian kids.

到目前为止,上周添加了海地克里奥尔语之后,它总共覆盖了52种语言。So far it covers 52 languages, adding Haitian Creole last week.

穿过海地太子港街道的妇女。Haitian woman crosses a street of Port-au-Prince February 1, 2006.

僵尸一词来源于海地和新奥尔良伏都教起源。The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins.

德拉海滩,佛罗里达,海地社区的社区警务。Community Policing in the Delray Beach, Florida, Haitian Community.

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声泪俱下的诉说,喜冰靠在海天肩上,海天突然吻住了她。Tearful, like ice on Haitian shoulder, Haitian suddenly kissed her.

明茨说,也有可能海地霍乱菌种的来源永远都查不出来。Mintz says it may never be known where the Haitian strain came from.

捐款方必须与海地政府和人民携手努力。Donors must work hand in hand with the Haitian government and people.

云狂赶到吕家,海天说吕家没人了,自己只是来买兵器。Cloud to we, Haitian said we had no one, only their own to buy weapons.

海天得知乐儿有事出去会晚些回来。Haitian learned that both have something to go out will come back late.

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一位海地妇女在太子港的街上卖煤炭。Haitian woman sells coal on a street in Port-au-Prince February 1, 2006.

乐儿给那个小孩求情,海天同意了,庞万却气的不行。Tries to give the child to intercede, Haitian agreed, Mr Wan is not gas.

除了海地代表团,还有另一群人来到了环保站。It wasn't only a Haitian delegation who visited an environmental station.