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怎么看这关于公平的争论?What about the fairness argument?

教育应该保持公平么?Should education be about fairness?

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公平能够保持人们对这个体系的信任。Fairness sustains faith in the system.

市场每天都在创造那种公平。Markets create that fairness every day.

我希望他很有人缘,公平公正。I hope he is very popular, and fairness.

公正的绝对性和相对性。Absoluteness and relativeness of fairness.

该议定书的根本是公平。The foundation of the Protocol is fairness.

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现在你又要求中国的行为应符合公义?Now you're asking China to play by fairness?

中国钉子户力争公平。Chinese 'nail households' strive for fairness.

正义感,公平并尊重他人Sense of justice, fairness &respect for others

女人是一道道美丽多彩的风景线。The woman is a fairness and polychrome scenery.

层层机构都是为了确保薪资的公平。The apparatus is there to ensure fairness in pay.

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黑了的皮肤突出了她的一头金发。Her sunburnt skin accentuates the fairness of her hair.

我们的老师以给学生评分公平著称。Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils.

千年发展目标处处关系到公平问题。The Millennium Development Goals are all about fairness.

办理业务这么公平,真的谁也比不上你。Your fairness in business dealings is really unsurpassed.

您处理这桩索赔案如此公平,真是谁也比不上。Your fairness in settling this claim is really unsurpassed.

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公正是一个比准确和一丝不苟更广泛的概念。Fairness is a broader concept than accuracy or thoroughness.

我望着她,看到了娇嫩而皙白的脸。Looking at her, I noticed the delicate fairness of her face.

DRR继承了DRR在平均吞吐率上的公平性。LL-DR. R, inherits the fairness of DRR on average throughput.