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我还要肢解剩下的。I seek to dismember , a sadist fiend.

他们想分割这家公司。They wanted to dismember the company.

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如果玩者乐意的话,还可以肢解受害者的尸体。If you like, you can also dismember them.

这回要肢解高盛,是美国证交会下的手。This time to dismember the Goldman Sachs is under the SEC's hand.

如果你想肢解中国,那么就要先肢解自己!!!If you attempt to dismember china, then you have to dismember your own first! ! !

接着出现了一些人,夺取了大地之母的生命并将其肢解,紧接着转向大地之子,同样进行了肢解。A group of characters appears, carry her off and dismember her, later returning for Son of Earth.

传说这种蚂蚁一小时内可肢解一头猪,分尸一匹马也只需半天。It is said in local legend that an army of these ants can dismember a hog in an hour, a horse in half a day.

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“你救了我一命,”老板忍着痛对勇士说,“刚才,我在想他可能会用刀子把我大卸八块吧。”"you saved my life, " the boss uttered in pain. "for a moment, i though he might dismember me with his knife. "

由于法国实力的衰微和国际格局的根本性改变,戴高乐肢解德国的政策失败了。De Gaulle's policy to dismember Germany was defeated because French's strength had declined and international structure had changed.

党仍然极为重视其合法性,为此中国曾被描绘成西方国家极力控制和瓜分的受害者。The party still sees it as essential to its legitimacy to portray the country as a victim of Western efforts to contain and dismember it.

外国智力机构也正在巴基斯坦发起这些可怕的袭击制造巴不稳定的局面,使之解体并被清洗。Foreign intelligence agencies are also sponsoring these horrendous attacks to create instability in Pakistan to dismember and denuclearize it.

你这个王八蛋害我失风被捕,不要在路上被老娘遇到,要不然我一定把你大卸八块,横尸街头,没有人敢替你收尸。You bastard make me arrested, and do not encounter with me on road, or i must dismember you, let your corpse lay on street, and nobody dare to gather.

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文章介绍了戴高乐在第一次执政时期里,继承了法国对德政策的传统,实施了肢解德国的政策。The part introduces that the traditional policy of France to dismember Germany policy was inherited by De Gaulle during the first rule under De Gaulle.

随后支解女尸的绑匪终于出现了,绑匪的要求却让出乎她们预料,到底为什么被绑架?Subsequently the kidnapper of dismember female cadaver appeared eventually, the requirement of kidnapper vacates however they expect, why be kidnapped after all?

但某个人深信,只要利用医用长剪刀及小支手术刀,他就能肢解分离人体内所有的每个组成部分。However, a person is convinced that as long as the medical use of small-long scissors and scalpels , he will be able to dismember the body from all the individual components.

在当前形势下,国内油田服务公司无论是要保住国内市场,还是要走出去,抢占国际市场,都需不断创新自己的技术。In the current situation, whenever the oil-field service companies defend the domestic market or go abroad in order to dismember international market, they innovate on and on own technology.

目前,我国大大小小的白酒企业有3.8万家,如此多的品牌在有限的市场上瓜分消费群体,争夺之激烈可想而知。At present, there are 38,000 big and small samshu enterprises of our country, so many brands dismember the consuming groups on the limited market, and the fierceness fought for can be well imagined.