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阿兰开始跑了起来。Alan began to run.

黑轮挖鼻孔。Alan picks his nose.

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这才是爱啊!"That is love!" cried Alan.

阿兰汉森就是这样的人。Alan Hansen was very similar.

“我们走吧,”阿兰飞快地说。“Let’s go, ”said Alan quickly.

爱玉与黑轮在讲电话。Jade and Alan are on the phone.

过来玩「小脸蛋拼拼乐」啊!Alan and Debby, come play with me.

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“别开玩笑了”,艾伦回应,“如果你们不采取措施,黛比会去给你们敲警钟的!”“Are you kidding?” Alan responded.

我是个作家,艾伦‧魏克。My name is Alan Wake, I'm a writer.

艾伦拣了些木柴点起了火。Alan gathered sticks and lit a fire.

艾伦是一名兽医,昨晚召之即来。Alan was the vet on call last night.

阿兰·约翰逊仍有权做出行动。Alan Johnson still has the power to act.

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艾伦·卡明将扮演格里姆斯比。Grimsby would be played by ALAN CUMMING.

艾伦将马铃薯切成丁,来做马铃薯沙拉。Alan cubed potatoes to make potato salad.

赖瑞和阿伦正在看彩排。Larry and Alan are watching the rehearsal.

这就是陶花园今天的大来宾…谭咏麟!This is our very special guest today, Alan Tam!

你认识至少三个叫“阿兰王”的人。You know at least three people named Alan Wong.

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“求求你,上帝,”阿兰喃喃道,“保佑她平安。”"Please God, "Alan muttered. "Let her be safe."

我叫艾伦。市职业作家。你是做什么的?I'm Alan , a professional writer What do you do ?

航运历史迷艾伦•摩尔是其中一员。They include Alan Moore, a shipping history buff.