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这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。The trail ducks into a narrow gulch.

在。最后的机会峡谷。发现金子之后,建于8'4年。It was founded in 8'4 after the discovery of gold at Last Chance Gulch.

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在“最后的机会峡谷”发现金子之后,建于1864年。It was founded in 1864 after the discovery of gold at Last Chance Gulch.

我们也许会希望,得胜的是山谷,或蛋糕,或温迪的大树叶。This almost makes one wish that the gulch or the cake or Tink's leaf had won.

奥特兰克峡谷,阿拉希盆地和战歌峡谷的战事都歇了下来。Hostilities have even ceased in Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch.

相比山顶而言,山脚沟谷的植物有很强的热带性。In contrast to those on the hilltop, plants at the foot gulch showed stronger tropical character.

泄水糟、沟渠和水闸,还有数以百计的捣岩机杂乱无章地布满在戴德伍德干涸的条条小溪上。Sluice boxes, ditches, dams and hundreds of stamp mills cluttered the small creeks in Deadwood Gulch.

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中一个博尔德卡宁消防查看从洛斯特古勒克忽视的旗杆山,上周一晚上,2010年9月6日。A view of a canyon fire in Boulder from Lost Gulch overlook on Flagstaff Mountain, on Monday night, Sept. 6, 2010.

开放贩卖新的奖品,只要关系到达“荣誉”就可以购买新增的战利品。Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at Honored faction.

通过实际调查后,计算结果接近实际情况,计算方法值得在其他峡谷区推广应用。With the actual survey, the calculation result approaches the actual situation. This calculation method is worthy of popularizing in other gulch area.

新主题区「灰熊山谷」及「迷离庄园」会相继o系2014年前分阶段完成,「反斗奇兵大本营」仲会最快o系2011年年底开幕添!The new theme zones Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point will be completed by phases before 2014 while Toy Story Land is even expected to open in late 2011 at the earliest!

另外,在山顶和山脚调查的几个种群在叶面积、比叶面积、树皮、枝下高和冠幅等方面,均出现了生态型的差异。In addition, ecotypic differentiations in leaf area, specific leaf area, bark, height under branch and crown width were found between hilltop and foot gulch in the studied species.

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测定广东省丹霞山宝珠峰和海螺峰的山顶的生态因子特征、群落结构特征和物种生态型特征,并与山脚的群落与种群以及相近非丹霞地貌区作比较。The characteristic differences in ecological factors, community structure and species ecotype between hilltop and foot gulch were determined, which were compared with those of non-Danxia Landform.