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但在海底,拖网捕鱼是很残酷的。But bottom trawling is brutal.

但唐古拉又是残酷无情的。But Tanggula is brutal callosity.

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但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。But a brutal streak went with it.

本人对他讲的话,固然逆耳,倒是忠言。I talk to him with brutal frankness.

“他是真正意义上的残暴,”哈迪说。"He's brutal – brutal, " Hardy said.

这是一个残忍谋杀的结果。This is the result of a brutal murder.

眼看着哈登今天10中0实在太残忍…Watching him go 0-10 today was brutal.

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雁南飞他们离开了。The brutal goose south flew them to quit.

他朝着勤务兵的脸野蛮地踹了一脚。He launched a brutal kick in batman's face.

这导致了沙人野蛮的攻击。The resulting Sand People attack was brutal.

最残酷的黑色金属宋写过!The Most brutal Black Metal Song Ever Writen!

残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。Brutal acts of depredation are not not uncommon.

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这不成了“最毒不过男人心”吗?So, it becomes "Man is the most brutal creature"?

新任总统经常以冷酷的形象出现在漫画里。The new president is often caricatured as brutal.

瑞典残酷死亡金属乐队内脏出血。Swedish brutal death metal band Visceral Bleeding.

我不愿显得野蛮或也不想看似放肆。I should not like to be brutal or seem extravagant.

我们一致谴责这种灭绝人性的摧残儿童的罪行。We all condemn such brutal crimes against children.

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和残忍的领主达赖喇嘛相比?Compared to the brutal god-kings the Dalai Lamas were?

我们会联想到暴力、残忍和没有人性这些词。We may think of the words violent, brutal and inhuman.

但是这种轮班制却也非常残酷。But the turnaround times for such shifts can be brutal.