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又是我去买叉烧包。I buy buns again.

三十八个豆沙包。Thirty-eight bean buns.

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我们只吃面条和馒头。We just eat noodles or buns.

包子一人一个,桃归谁?Buns one a peach, who should?

刚出炉的小餐包正在特价中。Fresh-baked buns are on sale.

我现在要为特蕾西烤几个小面包。I will bake Tracy several buns now.

不一会儿他就吞下了三个圆面包。He swilled three buns in a short time.

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他说他来北京,只想卖包子。He went to Beijing to sell steamed buns.

汤包的芯里面没有姜。Soup steamed buns without ginger inside.

我们有肉包和芝麻包。We have steamed buns with meat or sesame.

这一屉馒头欠火。These buns haven's been steamed long enough.

你眼睛瞪着那个女孩子的屁股看干什么?What are you doing staring at that girl's buns?

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你可以在饮食服务处买到茶和圆面包。You could purchase tea and buns at the buttery.

因为今天是做热十字小面包because today is the day to make hot cross buns

韩佳,有没有我们没有尝过的包子?Han Jia, are there more buns that we should try?

她买了一方黑面包和五个有葡萄干的小面包。She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.

她买了一长条黑面包,还有五个夹葡萄干的小圆面包。She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.

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也许我还能卖豆沙包,不然都要发霉了。Could also sell the bean buns . They're about to go bad.

莲子采摘后可以用来做饼或包。The lotus seeds could be collected to make cakes or buns.

请买一些烤肉时要吃的热狗和做汉堡用的圆面包。Please buy some hotdog and hamburger buns for our barbecue.