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一人立志,万夫莫敌。A person to spartacus.

斯巴达克斯是一名被关押囚禁的罗马属军兵士。Spartacus is a soldier in the Roman Auxiliary who has been taken prisoner.

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作为对他公开反抗罗马总督的惩罚,斯巴达克斯被判处在角斗场上战死。As punishment for defying a Roman Legate, Spartacus has been sentenced to die in the gladiator arena.

角斗士军队最终被强大的敌军包围并消灭,斯巴达克斯战役到生命的最后一息。Gladiator army was eventually powerful enemy surrounded and destroy, spartacus fight until last breath of life.

第三季中,斯巴达克斯与反叛军必须抵抗罗马的强大势力,与马库斯·克拉苏和尤里乌斯·凯撒的五万大军对战。Now Spartacus and his rebels must face the very might of Rome, against Marcus Crassus and Julius Caesar along with their army of 50,000.

以斯巴达克斯为首的角斗士们为争取自在和威严,奋起对抗罗马人的暴政,一次又一次地出奇制胜,重创罗马军队。By spartacus led gladiators for freedom and dignity, courageously resist Roman tyranny, again and again the opponent, hit the Roman army.

小说真实地再现了两千年前那场被压榨者争取自在解放的斗争,塑造了起义首领斯巴达克斯的不朽形象。Novel truly reproduce the two thousand years ago that oppressed for freedom and liberation struggle, shaped uprising leader of immortal spartacus image.

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巴蒂塔斯爆出消息,斯巴达克斯将为罗马最富有的女人“服务”,他将满足任何要求。Episode Preview by MaryD Batiatus breaks the news that Spartacus is to service the richest woman in Rome– and agrees to perform whatever duties necessary.

黑暗覆盖了大地,一缕曙光乍现,起义军的幸存者,不管是女人、孩子还是以前的士兵,都向着自由的道路走去。Spartacus dies. Darkness covers the land, and a light shower begins to fall. The rebel survivors–women, babies, former warriors–make their way to freedom.

朋友们可以在评论中留下你想要的盔甲,比如斯巴达克思中的全身的盔甲,我一定会采纳。You can leave a message about your desired armors, such as the full-length armor described in the novel Spartacus. And I will surely take your suggestions.

这对夫妇陷入了严重的财政危机,他们买下斯巴达克斯,希望他的非凡武艺能为他们在残酷的角斗赛场重拾昔日荣光。The couple has fallen on hard times financially and has bought Spartacus hoping his fighting prowess will help them regain their status in the brutal world of gladiatorial contests.