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你现在很富有了,是个大财主了。You are rich as Croesus now!

现在他富得流油。Now he is richer than Croesus.

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继续说他拜访克罗伊斯的故事So on goes the visit to Croesus.

我们都知道克洛伊索斯错在了哪里We all know what was wrong with Croesus.

经过三十年的辛勤努力,他变得非常富有。After 30 years of hard work, he became as rich as Croesus.

当然,克罗伊斯已经向,梭仑展示了他巨大的财富Of course, Croesus had shown his great wealth already to Solon.

克罗伊斯很吃惊,他问梭仑为什么选特勒斯Croesus was astonished and he asked Solon why did he select Tellus?

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他父亲是个大财主,在国外还有几幢房子和几家工厂。Her father is rich as Croesus. He owns several houses and factories in other countries.

他有一座乡间别野,有一艘游艇,还有一架私人飞机——他一定很有钱。He has a country mansion and runs a yacht and a private aircraft—he must be as rich as Croesus.

当他用这样的话回答了克洛伊斯之后,他们就安排好人员和猎狗,动身出发了。When he had made answer to Croesus in wordslike these, they afterwards set forth provided with chosen young men andwith dogs.

克罗伊斯问梭伦,谁是你见过的,最幸福,最幸运的人,他用了一个词来表示这两重意思Croesus asked Solon to tell him who is the happiest, the most fortunate--both of those things contained in the words he uses--that he had ever seen.

此时,那个犯了杀人罪并被洗脱了罪名的外来客人阿德拉斯托斯,也向那头野猪扔出了手里的标枪,但是没有击中它,却刺中了克洛伊斯的儿子。Then the guest, he who had been cleansed of manslaughter, whose name was Adrastos, hurling a spear at it missed the boar and struck the son of Croesus.

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我们假定的所谓自由,也最大程度上地以传说中的杰吉斯及其祖先吕底亚人克里索斯所拥有的方式,赋予给了正义之士和不仁不义之徒。The liberty which we are supposing may be most completely given to them in the form of such a power as is said to have been possessed by Gyges the ancestor of Croesus the Lydian.

最著名的就是吕底亚的克洛伊索斯国王,之前已经讲过,他是世上最富有的人,他觉得征服他东方的邻居,波斯帝国,是一个不错的事Well, the most famous early on, King Croesus of Lydia, the richest man in the world,you've heard all about him, decides it would be a nice thing to conquer the Persian Empire, his neighbor to the east.

如果我跨过了哈吕斯河,那是吕底亚和波斯的分界线,会有什么后果,神谕回答说,一个伟大的帝国将被摧毁,于是克洛伊索斯说,太棒了,正如我愿He said, "If I cross the Halys River, that's the boundary between Lydia and Persia, what will happen?" The oracle replied, "A great empire will be destroyed," And Croesus said, "Terrific that's what I have in mind."