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在马来西亚,B2B和B2C移动商务的接受率都比较低。In Malaysia, both B2B and B2C MC are not accepted broadly.

B2B是当前朗趣的核心商业形式,但不局限于此。B2B is the core business modus of Launcher, but not limit this.

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B2B同B2C的社交媒体计划主要的不同是什么?What are the main differences between B2B and B2C social media programs?

第三部分兰州鑫源电子科技有限公司的现状问题。B2B e-commerce model is achieved, Lanzhou Xinyuan Electronic Technology Co.

你可能会说,但谁在乎这些传统B2B发布商呢?Who cares about traditional B2B publishers that are migrating online, you say?

同样,许多亚洲B2B电子市场很可能会看到一个洗牌。Similarly, the multitude of Asian B2B e-marketplaces is likely to see a shakeout.

此外,政企间关系能够完全通过合法性来影响企业间关系的形成和发展。Besides, B2G can affect the forming and developing of B2B only through legitimacy.

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所以不要误把搜索引擎优化全部精力完全放在专利商标名上。So don't make the mistake of focusing B2B SEO principally on proprietary brand names.

一般说来,电子商务可以分为B2B和B2C两种主要模式。Generally speaking, e-commerce can be divided into B2B and B2C two kinds of main modes.

对努力联系潜在客户的B2B公司来讲,在线研讨会是个非常有价值的工具。Webinars are a valuable tool for B2B companies trying to connect with potential customers.

我的公司为在网络销售上的企业间的高价营销购买行为做了一次跟踪调查。My firm ran a study tracking buyer behavior on seller web sites for big-ticket B2B purchases.

公司想扩展他的B2B基础设施来增加一个与V公司的文档交换。Company E wants to extend its B2B infrastructure to include a document exchange with Company V.

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它是轻量级、高分布式和高伸缩性的A2A和B2B集成平台。It is a lightweight, highly distributed and scalable platform for both A2A and B2B integration.

其中易合网作为全国首家针对动漫游戏行业垂直的B2B电子商务平台。One easy network as the first directed animation game industry vertical B2B e-commerce platform.

B2B电子商务作为当今最火热的网上交易模式正在逐步的发展和完善之中。B2B e-commerce in today's hottest online trading pattern is gradually of development and perfection in.

现代网络和信息技术的进步促进B2B电子市场的形成和发展。The progress of modern network and information technology impels B2B E-marketplace formation and growth.

提出一种把书商和读者手中的二手图书收集起来提供给图书馆的B2B缺藏解决方案。A B2B solution was put forward which library collects the second-hand books from booksellers and readers.

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执行缓慢的B2B电子商务市场是一些无心的自然绊脚石。Slow implementation of B2B e- marketplaces is a natural consequence of some inadvertent stumbling blocks.

然而,在B2B的世界里,客户获取,直接关系到品牌,一个长期倡议。However, in the B2B world, customer acquisition is directly related to branding, a longer-term initiative.

第六部分针对我国B2B电子商务的税收问题,提出完善我国税制的政策建议。The last part put out policy measures to solve the B2B e-commerce tax problems and to improve our tax system.