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吉迪恩是白人。Gideon was a white man.

陪审团认定吉迪恩无罪。The jury found Gideon not guilty.

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基甸的妾在示剑所生的儿子。Son of Gideon by a concubine in Shechem.

基甸或耶路巴力是以色列第六位士师。Gideon or Jerubbaal the 6th Judge of Israel.

“再好也没有了。”吉丁·史佩莱加了一句。"That would be best, " added Gideon Spilett.

吉迪恩最初被埋葬在一个无名墓地。Gideon was initially buried in an unmarked grave.

基甸那夜做了甚麽,以致能取胜呢?What did Gideon do to win the victory that night?

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连基甸和他的家人也掉入此陷阱。Even Gideon and his own family fell into the same trap.

基甸就从他仆人中挑了十个人,照着耶和华吩咐他的行了。So Gideon took ten of his servants and did as the LORD told him.

基甸以此制造了一个以弗得,设立在本城俄弗拉。And Gideon made an ephod of it and put it in his city, in Ophrah.

基甸还在的日子,国中太平四十年。And the country was in quietness forty years in the days of Gideon.

基甸可能从没想过,这件精美的金衣会带来什么影响。Gideon never realised what this beautiful golden object might mean.

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当他小心遵照神的指示时,他就获得成功。Gideon was successful when he carefully followed God's instructions.

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the sun was up

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来。Gideon son of Joash then returned from the battle by the Pass of Heres.

基甸以此制造了一个以弗得,设立在本城俄弗拉。Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town.

可能,仅仅是可能,吉迪恩就是被全面追捕的潜逃连环杀手。Maybe, just maybe, Gideon is the most sought-after serial killer at large.

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基德红就起来杀了则巴黑和匝耳慕纳,拿去他们骆驼颈上的月牙环。Gideon arose and killed them, and took the ornaments off their camels' necks.

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来。Then Gideon the son of Joash returned from the battle by the ascent of Heres.

以色列内阁部长埃兹拉说,以色列应当停止往加沙地带提供燃料。Cabinet Minister Gideon Ezra said Israel should cut off fuel supplies to Gaza.