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福贾表示他并不确定自己下赛季将会为哪支球队效力。Pasquale Foggia admits he's unsure of where he will be playing next season.

老祖父帕斯夸莱·奥利瓦,朝那不勒斯小店窗户看了看,同意了她的观点。Grandfather Pasquale Oliva , looking into a shop window in Naples agreed with her.

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同时,米兰将帕斯奎尔·福贾的所有拥有权转让给拉齐奥。At the same time, Milan have transferred the total ownership of Pasquale Foggia to Lazio.

福贾的经纪人表示不排除在冬季回到拉齐奥的可能性。The agent of Pasquale Foggia won't rule out a return to Lazio for the on-loan Cagliari winger.

对于边锋福贾来说这一年不太顺,经常坐冷板凳。Winger Pasquale Foggia has had an inconsistent year, often finding himself on the substitutes' bench.

福贾深信意大利队试验阵容的精彩表演证明了目前意甲运转良好。Pasquale Foggia believes Italy's experimental side proved the quality of football runs right through Serie A.

米兰也把帕斯奎尔·福贾的全部拥有权转让给了拉齐奥。Milan have also transferred the total ownership of Pasquale Foggia to Lazio as part of the Milan-Lazio agreement.

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巴勒莫主席赞帕里尼证实了自己十分看好拉齐奥的中场球员贝赫拉米和福贾。Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini admits they're interested in Lazio midfield pair Valon Behrami and Pasquale Foggia.

福贾信心满满,认为拉齐奥完全可以有好的表现并完成赛季初订下的目标。Pasquale Foggia is confident that Lazio can do well this season and reach the objectives they set at the start of the season.

帕斯夸莱与雷科巴在左翼做了一次二过一,小帕全速追赶但球仍被比利时人控制。Giovanni Pasquale plays a one-two with Recoba on the left wing . The full-back races on to the ball but the Belgians win possession.

上周凭借弗洛雷斯的两粒进球作客2比0击败雷吉纳,正是这场胜利使得帕斯夸里的球队结束连续四轮不胜的尴尬局面。Pasquale Marino's side ended a run of four games without a win last week when an Antonio Floro Flores brace earned a 2-0 win over Reggina.

在上赛季将福贾租借到卡利亚里之后,拉齐奥主席洛蒂托希望这名新星能够重回罗马奥林匹克球场。Lazio President Claudio Lotito expects rising star Pasquale Foggia to return to the Stadio Olimpico after spending last season at Cagliari.

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尤文首席球探帕斯夸尔近来的几周都在观察这位奴曼西亚的委内瑞拉国脚。Juve chief scout Pasquale Sensibile has been watching the Venezuela international in action for Spanish Segunda Liga Numancia in recent weeks.

理想状态下,那些缺水的国家应该利用有限的水资源种植一些高价值的经济作物,然后利用收入所得进口其它农产品。But efficient use of water, cautions Pasquale Steduto of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation, is just one step to better agricultural yields.

而拉齐奥主席洛蒂托则已经跟雷吉纳谈过关于梅斯托的转会,并且表示愿意把中场小将福贾的共同所有权作为交易的一部分。Lazio president Claudio Lotito has already spoken with Reggina about Mesto and is willing to offer the co-ownership of midfielder Pasquale Foggia as part of the deal.

乌迪内斯教练马里诺非常欣赏乔文科,这可能促使这桩转会加速完成,但不清楚当尤文球迷听到这个消息后会有什么反应。The latter is particularly appreciated by coach Pasquale Marino and might accelerate the negotiation process, but it is as yet unclear how the Juventus fans will react to this news.

福贾,克里巴里,曼黑和莱德都射中,但是塔雷和博内托还有门将巴洛塔则迷失了方向。Pasquale Foggia, Emilson Sanchez Cribari, Christian Manfredini and Cristian Ledesma were on target, but Igli Tare, Massimo Bonetto and goalkeeper Marco Ballotta failed to hit the spot.

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下周,帕斯奎莱医生应邀再次前往日本参一个学术交流会,他将向日本的一些医师们介绍针对亚洲病人的非手术美容的决窍。Next week, Dr. Pasquale will head for Japan to attend an academic exchange again. At this conference, he will introduce his tricks about non-surgical procedures to some Japanese patients.