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印度教中湿婆的生殖器的象征。The hindu phallic symbol of siva.

他看上去像活生生的湿婆。He looked the living image of siva.

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SIVA模型的四个要素是The four elements of the SIVA model are

在卓王孙的心中,唯一的神就是他自己的力量。Siva?In Zhuo's mind, the only god is his own power.

人们感觉到受到湿婆本人的祝福。The people felt blessed as by a vision of Siva Himself.

图书馆的无政府主义者〉2002。Vaidhyanathan, Siva. "The Anarchist in the Library. " 2002.

有趣的是,请注意,湿婆拼写倒退,是使用条款。It is interesting to note, that Siva spelled backwards is Avis.

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福兰为客队进球,吉尔贝托席尔瓦打进乌龙球。Forlan hit a brace for the visitors and Gilberto Siva netted an own goal.

神石湿婆林伽竖立在柬埔寨吴哥寺华美的围墙之间。A Siva Linga stands amid the ornate walls of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.

村民普遍认为,青蛙是西瓦神的化身。It is widely believed among villagers that the frog is are incarnation of Lord Siva.

整个世界和每件事物都是湿婆和萨缇的运动。The whole world and everything in it appeared as the Lila, the sport, of Siva and Sakti.

然后,主希瓦叙述了博伽梵歌第十二章的精彩荣耀。Lord siva then recited the wonderful glories of the twelfth chapter of the bhagavad-gita.

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神圣母亲秘密地越过恒河,走进一座湿婆庙,她为了师父的健康而与神调解。The Holy Mother secretly went to a Siva temple across the Ganges to intercede with the Deity for the Master's recovery.

然后,主希瓦又邀请帕瓦蒂仔细聆听他叙述博伽梵歌第十四章的荣耀。Lord siva then asked parvati to listen attenively to his narration of the glories of the fourteenth chapter of the bhagavad-gita.

依照坦陀罗,萨缇是创造宇宙的主动力量,绝对者湿婆是或多或少的被动法则。According to the Tantra, Sakti is the active creative force in the universe. Siva , the Absolute, is a more or less passive principle.

因此他意识到经文陈述的意义,那就是每一个死在贝拿勒斯的人都会通过湿婆的优雅而获得拯救。Thus he realized the significance of the scriptural statement that anyone dying in Benares attains salvation through the grace of Siva.

小型的圆锥物似乎是生殖崇拜的标记,尽管它们是成片地在大门上使用,却在后期的印度教也与湿婆相关联。Small conical objects appear to be phallic emblems that are also connected with Siva in later Hinduism, although they may have been pieces used in board games.

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维吉尼亚大学从事媒体和法律研究的副教授维迪亚那桑说,他对谷歌的承诺表示欢迎,但是质疑他们的捐赠方式。Siva Vaidhyanathan is an associate professor of media studies and law at the University of Virginia. He welcomes Google's commitment but questions its approach.

公牛经常被描绘成直立在某个祭坛前面,也许是过于自信的,而有角的神则被认为是印度神湿婆的原型。The bull is often depicted standing before a sort of altar, and the horned god has been interpreted, perhaps overconfidently, as a prototype of the Hindu god Siva.

第三只眼睛',或‘湿婆的眼睛',是精神的视觉器官,与因缘有密切关系,如同我们在进化的自然进程中变得更加灵性一样。The 'third eye, ' or 'eye of Siva , ' the organ of spiritual vision, is intimately related to karma, as we become more spiritual in the natural course of evolution.