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伟大是需要时间证明的。Grandness need time to prove.

遗传算法是一种宏观意义上的仿生算法。GA is mimic-life algorithm in grandness.

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可见,这艘航母是非常的雄伟。Obviously, this aircraft carrier is the unusual grandness.

由于他过度地自负,同僚们不喜欢他。His colleagues dislike him because of his excessive grandness.

之前我处在一个我能见到你的富丽堂皇和你的宏伟的位置。I sit in a seat where I can see your magnificence and your grandness.

集成管理就是在这样的一种社会背景下发展壮大起来。Integration management comes into being grandness in this social enviroment.

在一种狡黠的目光中,他们在中国第一次降低着诗的伟大。With a cunning look, they in China in the first time degrade the grandness of poetry.

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合理的人才结构是公司发展壮大的根本。The structure of person with ability is the fundamentality of the company development and grandness.

以优质的产品、完美的售后服务配合汽摩配件市场的发展壮大。Exploration and Dealing with concrete matters, we become grandness with the development of the market of auto parts.

这一科学论断全面而深刻地揭示了建立社会主义市场经济体制的伟大意义。The scientific judgment overall and deeper reveals grandness meaning of the foundation of social market economy system.

所以自然中的灵性可能是像大峡谷一样的雄伟,也可能是这块小小的,方块里的微型自然界。It can be the grandness of the Grand Canyon, But it can also be this little tiny nature is in that same little tiny plot.

近十几年来,国内房地产业经历了一个从萌芽起步到发展壮大的增长过程。In nearly ten years, the civil real estate market has experienced great changes, it developed from germination to grandness.

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我国电池行业的发展与壮大将极大地推动我国信息化经济的前进步伐。The development and grandness of Chinese battery industry will greatly boost the progress steps of the information economy in China.

我用水墨写意,在想象小蝌蚪的飞翔世界,并和你一起感受小小蝌蚪的成长奇迹和生命的伟大。I print with wash, and image the flying word of small tadpole, and enjoy to the growing period and life grandness of small tadpole with you.

相比于北方建筑的凝重艳丽,西关大屋轻巧通透,成为传承岭南文化的载体。Compared with the grandness and gorgeousness in northern architectures, Xiguan Houses, the symbol of the Lingnan culture, are light and plain.

可是,海鸟却被这些豪华排场所吓倒,心里既惊慌又悲痛,不敢饮食,过了三天,终于死去。But the seabird was terrified by all this grandness . It became so frightened and sad that it dared not eat or drink. After three days, it died.

在当代中国,社会与国家之间的相对分离之必要迫切要求市民社会的生成和壮大。In modern China, this necessity of relative separation between society and nation urgently requests the birth and grandness of the citizen society.

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随着时间的发展而成熟、随着时间的发展而壮大,张家宅居民区的未来将无限美好。With time going on, our residential district will be more and more mature and beautiful and become grandness. It will surely have a promise future.

近年来,随着我国高速公路的发展和汽车工业的壮大,对汽车的安全性要求越来越高。Recently, with the development of highway of our country and grandness of automobile industry, a little higher active safety performance in automobile is remanded.

宏伟与美都遵循形式规律,都是令人愉快的,但宏伟区别于美的地方,是前者具有巨大的体积,并且产生强烈的情感效果。While Grandness and beauty both conform to formal rules and are both pleasant, the former possesses immense volume and it brings about an effect of strong feeling.