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该过程形式上被认为是标准化。The process is formally known as normalization.

自此,中美关系实现正常化。Normalization of Sino-U. S. relations was thus achieved.

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戊烷的定量则采用面积归一法。Area normalization method was adopted to quantify pentyl.

有这个归一化函数的具体名称吗?。Is there a specific name for this normalization function?

泡沫破灭后,主要的驱动力是正常化。The dominant force after a bubble bursts is normalization.

该方法在实测车标图像的归一化处理中效果很好。The method is very useful for vehicle -logo normalization.

财政和货币政策均对经济正常化有所贡献。Both fiscal and monetary policy contributed to the normalization.

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它检查命名约定、语法以及标准化级别。It checks the naming conventions, syntax, and normalization levels.

如果达不到这两个条件,关系正常化是不可能的。If the two conditions are unmet, normalization of ties is impossible.

我们的目标必须是使加沙人民能过上稳定、正常的生活。Our goal must be the stabilization and normalization of life in Gaza.

三要坚持特色化与国际标准规范化。Thirdly, the international normalization and peculiarity is insisted.

以气相色谱归一化法测定其百分含量。Gas chromatography showed their percentages by area normalization method.

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因此所谓规范化实质上是概念的单一化。In a word, Normalization is essentially the simplification of conceptions.

以总离子流图归一化法测定其百分含量。The total ion current showed their percentages by area normalization method.

同时又应用气相色谱归一化法计算其各成分含量。The content of each constituents was determined by area normalization method.

对铸钢中断正火热处理工艺进行了研究。The interruptive normalization process for producing casting steel is studied.

注意数据的规范化在任何面向数据库的应用程序中都是标准实践。Note that normalization is standard practice in any database-oriented application.

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在宏观政策立场趋于正常的情况下,经济增长仍表现稳健Economic growth remained resilient as the macro stance moved towards normalization.

本文对表达式符号的大小归一化方法进行了研究。In this paper, two methods of size normalization of expression notation are studied.

推荐使用归一法检验分析结果的可靠性。The normalization was recommended to check the reliability of the analytical result.