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因此,浅海水听器的技术和应用一直倍受广大物探工作者的关注。So the technique and application of neritic hydrophone are paid more attention by geophysicist.

林键是马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学学会的地球物理学家,他对此表示同意。Marine geophysicist Jian Lin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts agrees.

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史坦是一位地球物理学家、美国地质调查所在加州门洛帕克地震灾害小组的一员。ROSS S. STEIN is a geophysicist with the U. S. Geological Survey's Earthquake Hazards Team in Menlo Park, Calif.

地球物理学家埃米尔.欧卡尔认为智利地震产生的海啸其实真的不算小。Geophysicist Emile Okal agreed that the the tsunami spawned by the Chile earthquake wasn't really all that small.

有一次他参加了一个在洛杉矶举行的地质会议,会议中组织者组织与会者进行了一次沙滩的实地考察旅行活动。As a young geophysicist in the 1980s, Rob Holman attended a conference in San Francisco that included a field trip to a beach.

美国西北大学地球物理学家史蒂文·雅各布森曾认为,地球上的水源于彗星。Like his peers, geophysicist Steven Jacobsen from Northwestern University believed that water on Earth originated from comets.

鲍勃郝曼在八十年代还是一位年轻的地质物理学家,那时他参加了在三藩市的一次会议,包括去海滩的一次户外活动。CORVALLIS, Ore. — As a young geophysicist in the 1980s, Rob Holman attended a conference in San Francisco that included a field trip to a beach.

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斯克里普斯海洋研究所的地球物理学家马克•藏伯格正着手开发一种新的地震仪,从而更细致地观察地球内部情况。Geophysicist Mark Zumberge at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography is developing a new breed of seismometer to get a better look inside the Earth.

当海啸来临的时候,一个纽约的基督教神父,一个俄勒冈州的工程学教授,一个圣地亚哥的地球物理学家都盯着电视。When it came, they were all glued to their televisions — a Jesuit priest in New York, an engineering professor in rural Oregon, a geophysicist in San Diego.

作为地球物理学者,他在美国航天航空局喷气动力实验室所做的研究,帮助在正确的时间和正确的位置发射宇宙飞船,并且使之准确到达目的地。His research for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a geophysicist helps launch spacecraft at the correct time and position to reach their exact destinations.

华盛顿特区纳瓦尔研究实验室的地球物理学家达缅恩·楚阿认为,极光亚暴是空间物理学当中最神秘的现象之一。Damien Chua, a geophysicist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D. C. , said that auroral substorms are among the great remaining mysteries in space physics.

另一方面,加州圣地亚哥市斯克里普斯海洋研究所的地球物理学家戴夫·斯特格曼称,该论文的结论“令人兴奋而且意义深刻”。On the other hand, geophysicist Dave Stegman of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California, calls the results of the paper "exciting and profound."

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1995年地球物理学家布鲁斯•鲁岩迪克造出了“西兰洲”这个词,当时科学家认为这块陆地具备了成为大洲所需的四个要素中的三个要素。The term Zealandia was coined by geophysicist Bruce Luyendyk in 1995, at which time it was believed to possess three of the four necessary qualities required for continent status.

“我认为,我们在冥古代适于生存的问题上意见基本一致,”加州斯坦福大学的地球物理学家诺曼·斯利普说。"I think we're in basic agreement on" the habitability of the Hadean, says geophysicist Norman Sleep of Stanford University in Stanford, California, who has done similar calculations.