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将这个数字映射到罗马数字系统。Map this number to the Roman numeral system.

这个数字意味着产量提高了一倍。This numeral means a onefold increase in production.

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这一数量结构中的数词通常是任意的。The number of structure is usually the numeral arbitrary.

本文介绍了一种数字式下变频器的控制系统。This paper introduces a numeral down converter control system.

当我再次来中国的时候,看到的不仅仅是数字上的变化。And when I come back, I see it, in more than just numeral terms.

适用于电脑主机板,高保真音响,高分辨数码彩电等电子线路中。Used in mainboard, hi-fi acoustics, numeral color-TV circuits etc.

写上你们是麻省理工哪一级的学生,大家应该都来自麻省理工吧?the numeral for the year that you're at MIT Is everyone here at MIT?

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适用于电脑主机板,高保真音箱,高分辨数码彩电等电子线路中。Used in main board , hi-fi acoustics , numeral color-TV circuits etc.

数词习语具有比喻、夸张、委婉、含蓄等特点。The numeral idiom has parable, exaggeration, tactful and reserved etc.

穆斯林清真商店通常会写字母“786”缅甸的数字。Muslin Halal shops will usually write the letter "786" in Myanmar numeral.

我的幸运数字就是9,我喜欢9,因为它预示着长长久久!My good luck numeral be 9, I like 9, because it indicates long long-last long!

赛德克语的数词系统由系数词和位数词组成。Sedique language numeral system composes of coefficient words and digit words.

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这是罗马符号中能表示出来的最大数字。This is the largest number representable with standard Roman numeral notation.

汉语中,数词既可与量词组合,又可与名词组合。In modern Chinese, numeral can connect with measure word and with noun as well.

八卦就是由两个数字组成的三位数的数字卦系。So Eight Diagrams is the three-digit numeral diagrams expressed by two numbers.

巴比伦的数学体系是六十进制,是以60为基础的系统。The Babylonian system of mathematics was sexagesimal, or a base 60 numeral system.

SERCOS接口是新一代的数字驱动器运动控制总线接口。SERCOS interface is a kind of motion control bus for new generation numeral driver.

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现在的数字测井仪结构复杂,易出故障,价格昂贵。Present numeral logger is complex in structure, easy to trouble and price expensive.

六十四卦就是由两个数字组成的六位数的数字卦系。Sixty four Diagrams is exactly the six-digit numeral diagrams expressed by two numbers.

数词是壮语和泰语差别较大的一个词类。The numeral is a part of speech which has great difference in Zhuang and Thai language.