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我用的石头更多的是菱形。Mine are more lozenge shaped.

用胡椒薄荷油调味的糖果。A candy or lozenge flavored with this oil.

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这个糖丸超出我的预料。This lozenge has exceeded my expectations.

作为预防,每次服用1茶匙糖浆或1粒锭剂,每天2次。As a preventive, take 2 teaspoons daily or 1 lozenge twice a day.

我们的锌片经过仔细的检测和生产,并被验证品质一流。Our Zinc Lozenge is carefully tested and produced to certified quality standards.

走廊和内厅的石头上也被刻上了丰富的螺旋形、菱形和锯齿形的图案。The passage and chamber stones are also richly engraved with spiral, lozenge and zigzag motifs.

您需要将含片放在牙龈边缘和颊粘膜之间并且慢慢吸允,使得尼古丁能够慢慢释放出来。You place a lozenge between your gumline and cheek and suck it slowly, allowing it to dissolve.

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苞片约与花瓣等长,菱形或楔形,具缺刻状齿。Bud film contract and leaf long, lozenge or wedge, have notch shape a tooth-like part of anything.

对构造奇数阶幻方的菱形法进行了改进,并对改进方法进行证明。This article improves the lozenge method to structure odd magic square and proves its improvement.

然而,贴片加嚼锭和其它疗法之间的差别相当小。However, the difference between the patch plus the lozenge and the other treatments was fairly small.

出现早期症状时,每次服用1汤匙的糖浆,每天4次,或是每次1粒锭剂,每天4次。At the first symptoms, take 1 tablespoon of the syrup four times a day, or 1 lozenge four times a day.

贴尼古丁片和在需要时吸上一口尼古丁嚼锭相结合似乎效果最好。The combination of wearing a nicotine patch and sucking a nicotine lozenge as needed seemed to work best.

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在六个月的研究结束时,使用贴片和嚼锭相结合方法的人十分之四依然不吸烟。By the end of six months, 4 in 10 people who used the combination of a patch and a lozenge were still smoke free.

他们采用了严格的统计检验,结果发现与安慰剂比较,贴片加嚼锭效果最好。They applied a strict statistical test which found that the patch plus the lozenge worked best compared with placebo.

把链条铺开,请把耐磨块的菱形一面朝下放置,拉紧链必须在轮胎的外侧。Spread out the chain, with the lozenge of forgings downwards, The tension chain must be on the outer side of the wheel.

就像烧伤用冰块冷敷,或者咳嗽含一片止咳糖,对于抽鼻子、打喷嚏、鼻塞,喝一杯热茶是一个由来已久的民间偏方。Like ice for a burn or a lozenge for a cough, a cup of hot tea is an age-old balm for sniffles, sneezing and stuffiness.

简约的菱形格风衣拥有宽松的廓型,腰带系扎将女性曲线展现。Contracted lozenge case dust coat has comfortable outline model, chatelaine department is plunged into show female curve.

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据莎瑞介绍,央视大楼的结构是由许多个不规则的菱形渔网状金属脚手架构成的。According Sharui briefing, Yang Shi building structure is composed of many of irregular lozenge fish netted a metal scaffold.

作为一个饮食补充为孩子,一动物形状的锭剂一次每日或如由您的医疗保健实习者推荐。As a dietary supplement for children, one animal-shaped lozenge once daily or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

目的观察松果菊润喉片对小鼠免疫功能及其化痰的影响。Objective To investigate the pharmaceutical effects of Echinacea compound lozenge on sputum-reducing and immune functions in mice.