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我的爱是一种伤悲。My love is a sorrowful.

伤心的寡妇乞怜。The sorrowful widow begged for mercy.

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查理对这个消息感到伤心。Charlie felt sorrowful about the news.

那道令人悲伤的历史大门应该关上。That sorrowful door to the past needs to be shut.

我为什么要沉浸在过去的伤悲之内?Why do I have to immersion in the past of sorrowful?

念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下!Read heaven and long, sorrowful and tears down alone!

一个悲伤的吟游诗人讲述了一个关于他被囚禁的战友的故事。A sorrowful bard tells a tale of his imprisoned comrades.

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我愤怒,心碎,不知道如何撑过去。I was vexed and sorrowful and had no idea how to retrieve.

“我们就这样输了,”他带着德克萨斯鼻音悲伤的说。"This thing is done, " he said in a sorrowful Texas twang.

吸烟害死人,这是个悲哀的事实。Smoking kills. It is a sorrowful thing, but it also is a fact.

春愁在、碎雨敲花声里。Singing Sorrowful in, broken flowers knocking sound in the rain.

“太令人遗憾了!”毕蒂答道,同时带着伤心的样子摇摇头。That's a pity! ' said Biddy, shaking her head with a sorrowful air.

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岩穴门一打开,就浮现了一幅悲惨的情形。When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself.

听到了一定悲伤,每晚在这洋磁面盆里哭泣,亦未可知!Perhaps, they would have sorrowful weep in the basin because of that!

后来又是她那明亮的小眼睛,炽热而又充满悲哀。And then her beady little eyes, so hot and sorrowful at the same time.

演员苏志燮变成了一个极度忧郁的人。Actor So Ji Sub becomes a sorrowful guy who keeps bullets inside his head.

谁不知道我们最大的悲痛,是发生在最幸福的时候!Who does not know that our most sorrowful days have been amongst our best?

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在诗歌创作中反对悲秋伤春,追求与天地万物为一体的“大乐”境界。In writing, he oppose being sorrowful and seek the cheer with works of God.

看着他凄迷的眼神,我不知如何是好。Looking at the sorrowful expression in his eyes, I have no idea what to do.

看着这一切,女娲很难过。她决心把天补好。Nu Wa felt sorrowful at all these happenings and decided to repair the sky.