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我的名字叫米老鼠。My name's Millie Mouse.

你好,我的名字是米莉。Hello, my name is Millie.

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然后米莉许了个愿。Then Millie makes a wish.

谢谢你的帮助,米莉。Thanks for your help, Millie.

米莉比艾米的花多。Millie has more flowers than Amy.

米丽又小又瘦吗?是的。Is Millie small and thin? Yes, she is.

一个是温迪,一个是米莉。One is Wendy, and the other is Millie.

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我想从米莉那借点钱。I want to borrow some money from Millie.

米莉已经去过南山很多次了。Millie has been to South Hill many times.

米丽和露西听讲一样认真。Millie listens as carefully as Lucy does.

埃迪从出生起就和米莉生活在一起。Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.

米莉不够高而拿取不到那个篮子。Millie is not tall enough to reach the basket.

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我给米丽买了一个可爱的凯蒂钱包。I bought a lovely Hello Kitty purse for Millie.

一个月前,米莉和艾米去了阳光公园。A month ago, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park.

米丽应该在春天去庐山徒步旅行。Millie should go hiking in Lushan Mountain in Spring.

米莉和她的朋友怎样花他们的零用钱呢?How do Millie and her friends spend their pocket money ?

那么,那个珠子制作者米利·格雷斯·阿凯纳近况如何?So what about Millie Grace Akena, the jewelry maker?Mrs.

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米丽在告诉她的朋友有关在公园发生的事。Millie is telling her friend about what happened in the park.

当米丽给彼得铅笔的时候,他在看照片。Peter was looking at some photos when Millie gave him a pencil.

你好啊.米利.听说你今天又交了个朋友.是真的吗?Hi, Millie. I was told you made another friend today. Is that true?