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PMO可以在大型项目内重新调度资源。A. PMO can re-allocate resources in the program.

PMO应该在这个团队的博弈过程里面扮演辅助的角色。PMO should act as a supporting body to this team game approach.

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在将要发表的一篇文章里,我们会对PMO的角色进行更加深入的探讨。In a future article, we will explore the role of the PMO in greater detail.

高级项目组合管理和计划管理组织。G. Kendall and S. Rollins, Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO.

对大多数人来说,PMO的整个概念都是全新的,他们想要对其进行了解。For many, the whole concept of a PMO was a new one that they wanted to understand.

PMO同时负责在一个大型而复杂的工作中尽力达到因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约。The PMO is also charged with achieving economies of scale within a large and complex effort.

当然,简短地创建和运行一个PMO--可以采取许多形式--将规划区别于项目。Of course, simply creating and operating a PMO -- which can assume many forms -- differentiates programs from projects.

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举一个例子,让我们只检查一下PMO中的一个任务--设备管理--以及它如何对规划成功有所贡献。As an example, let's examine just one role in the PMO -- facilities administration -- and how it contributes to program success.

包括项目的作用和软件文档,起始,和收尾工作与我们的项目办主任兼首席技术官,直接。The role includes project and software documentation, initiation, and closeout duties working directly with our PMO Director and CTO.

PMO同时保证规划所得结果对企业的经营战略组成部分的成功是有利的。The PMO also validates that the program results are contributing to the success of some component of the enterprise business strategy.

目前,我们只能说PMO所提供的基础使所有的项目团队被包含在要进行的规划中。For now, let us just say that the infrastructure the PMO provides enables all the project teams involved in the program to be productive.

事实上,我们要花一整篇文章来描述PMO所执行的工作--并且该办公室甚至不会覆盖每一个职责。In truth, we could devote an entire article to the work performed by the PMO -- and that office does not even cover every responsibility.

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如果业务主管人员和高层执行官不明白建立PMO的必要性——认为它是无用的——那我们怎么说服他们相信它的价值呢?If business executives and sponsors don't understand the need for a PMO -- and view it as overhead -- how can we convince them of its value?

在这个新的角色中,我将会负责领导这个组织,主持执行委员会会议,以及运营PMO。In this new role I will be responsible for leading the organization, for chairing the Executive Committee meetings, and for running the PMO.

他们需要明白一个明确、有效的PMO对降低规划风险并提高成功可能性是重要的机制。They need to understand that a well-defined, effective PMO is a significant mechanism for reducing program risk and improving the likelihood of success.

项目经管办公室。如不美观项目施行组织成立了项目经管办公室,而且对项目的结不美观负有直接或借居的责任,它就可能成为一个短长关厦魅者。PMO. If it exists in the performing organization, the PMO can be a stakeholder if it has direct or indirect responsibility for the outcome of the project.

利用共振论、PMO法、EHMO法,对菲亲电取代反应各位点的活性进行了解释。Reactivity of electrophilic substitutions of different positions on phenanthrene are discussed according to the theory of Resonance, PMO method and EHMO method.

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PMO会任命一些成员填补上空缺的批准席位,这实际上意味着新的批准席位是拥有固定席位的公司的选择。The PMO nominates members to fill the vacant ratified seats, which in practice means that new ratified seats are the choice of the company holding the permanent seat.

无论谁接受这个任务都必须识别、计划和交付一个特定规划或永久PMO的所有必要的设备。Whoever takes on this role must identify, plan, and deliver all necessary facilities for either a program-specific or permanent PMO. To do this, the facilities administrator must

PMO的一个主要角色是持续地评定现在进行的工作是否正常,保证中间的交付成果与整体程序目标是一致的。A major role for the PMO is to continuously assess whether the ongoing work effort is on track and the interim deliverables and results are consistent with the overall program goals.