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但欧本说,在治疗后,她会建议他们去找一个遗传学家诊断一下。But Obeng said she would recommend that they see a geneticist after treatment.

在未来,世界各地的百岁老人也许还能接到一些遗传学家的电话。In the future, centenarians everywhere may also receive a call from a geneticist.

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“我们很幸运有一个果蝇遗传学家一起研究这一遗传学转变”。We're lucky to have an expert Drosophila geneticist on campus to test this genetic switch.

作为遗传学家,我的一切本能都让我质疑“纯洁”含义的概念。All my instincts as a geneticist make me question the notion of what it means to be "pure".

如果你是一名从事分枝杆菌研究的遗传学家,完成一项实验就可能需要两年的时间。If you’re a geneticist working with the mycobacterium, it can take up to two years to complete an experiment.

并没有完美而整齐的分类可以让妳把人放进去。There aren't nice, neat categories you can put people into, " says University of Utah geneticist Lynn Jorde."

一直以来,我们是把它们和普通的葡萄柚混为一谈的。And we've crossed these with ordinary grapefruit." Fred Gmitter, a citrus geneticist at the University of Florida.

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如果遗传学家是诚实的,他们会说,在他们没有研究之前,人们不要去做DNA测试。"If a geneticist is honest, they would say that someone shouldn't do a DNA test before they do research, " he says.

约翰霍普金斯大学的遗传学家格雷德,在做布莱克本学生的时候一同完成了她们的发现。Greider, a geneticist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, was Blackburn's student when the two made their discovery.

关于前臂,基因学家、文章的合著者茱莉亚。撒格雷猜想也许是暴露的胳膊为细菌提供了一个良好的着陆台。As for the forearm, geneticist and co-author Julia Segre speculates that exposed arms make a good landing pad for bacteria.

昆明动物学院的苏炳教授领导的团队,致力于发现这种选择的来源。A team led by Bing Su, a geneticist at the Kunming Institute of Zoology in China, set out to find the source of this selection.

基因学家BONNET说,能够帮助作物有效利用水份的基因并不稀缺。And geneticist Bonnet says there's no shortage of genes that seem like they might possibly help a plant use water more efficiently.

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1988年,哈佛的遗传学家约翰·凯恩斯和他的同事们发表了大肠杆菌受环境影响诱发突变的证据。In 1988 Harvard geneticist John Cairns and colleagues published evidence of environmentally induced mutations in the bacterium E. coli.

伯龙和ARS的基因学家托马斯•迪温发现,豆杆中纤维素的强度非常高。Barone and ARS geneticist Thomas Devine have found that the cellulose fibers in their sapling-like soybean stalks were unusually strong.

瑞典阿普萨拉大学的遗传学家詹尼佛.刘纳德没有参与这项研究,她认为这些发现是确实可信的。Jennifer Leonard, a geneticist at the University of Uppsala in Sweden who was not involved in the project, thinks the findings are solid.

他曾经对鉴定常见疾病基因上的原因进行过批判。David B. Goldstein, a Duke University geneticist who has criticized the current approach to identifying genetic causes of common diseases.

遗传学家斯蒂芬·维特博士表示,这种黑白双胞胎发生的几率只有仅为五十万分之一。International clinical geneticist Dr Stephen Withers said that the ' black and white' twins happened with a probability of ' two-in-a-million'.

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十七世纪初,丹麦遗传学家约翰逊,首先提出“基因”的概念,并且指明遗传基因与环境因素的动态关系。In the early seventeenth century, Denmark Johnson, a geneticist and the first "gene", and specify the genetic and environmental factors dynamics.

1983年诺贝尔医学奖的获得者、遗传学家巴巴拉·梅克林托克早期的工作过了多年才得到广泛的承认。It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock, a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine, to be generally accepted.

这个观点是由伯克利的遗传学家理查德·高兹史密特提出的。他的种种关于非渐进进化的观点,在其一生中都被人嘲笑和不屑一顾。This point was made by the Berkeley geneticist Richard Goldschmidt, whose ideas on nongradual evolution were derided and scorned throughout his life.