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女王参加了葬礼。The Queen stood at the graveside.

不论是丧礼,或是落土仪式,都没有多少观礼的人。There are only a few at the funeral home and at the graveside.

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他站在墓旁,表达了他的最后敬意。He paid his last respects by standing quietly at the graveside.

他静静伫立在墓旁表达他最后的敬意。He paid his last respects by standing quietly at the graveside.

复活弥撒过后,他们还要去参加墓地葬礼。After the mass of the resurrect ion they would all go to the graveside service.

不久前,在密特朗的新坟边,他的情妇与寡妇并肩致哀。At Francois Mitterrand's graveside not along ago, the mistress mourned alongside the widow.

他坐在两座墓中间,哭了好久,直到他感觉到“安宁冲刷了整个我”。He sat at the double graveside and wept for a long time, before feeling a "calmness wash over me".

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他死后,威斯特敏教堂他的坟墓边的花间有一小束一小束的捆绑的碎布。When he died, among the flowers at his graveside in Westminster Abbey were small bunches tied with rags.

斯诺鲍在坟前做了一个简短的演讲,他强调,如果需要的话,每个动物都应该做好为动物庄园牺牲的准备。At the graveside Snowball made a little speech, emphasising the need for all animals to be ready to die for Animal Farm if need be.

Hale挂断了,走出车外,观察着LJ母亲坟墓边的一小群哀悼者,他们是来送葬的。Hale hangs up, steps out of the car and looks at the small group of mourners gathered at a tearful graveside service for LJ’s mother.

最终,迈克尔杰克逊的三哥杰梅因。杰克逊和CNN电视节目主持人拉里·金基调严肃的访谈节目独占鳌头。But ultimately, the grand chapeau is raised to Jermaine Jackson and CNN's Larry King for their graveside interview, to be aired tonight.

他焦虑着不要撞上黑帮,并且在没有遮蔽直通下面房子的墓边的路上感到极端不舒服。He was anxious not to cross the mafia and had been extremely uncomfortable on the graveside road, exposed as it was to the houses below.

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耶稣曾在朋友的坟墓旁流泪,曾为耶路撒冷城丧失原有的神圣而哀哭。Jesus wept tears of compassion at the graveside of a friend. He mourned over Jerusalem because as a city it had lost its appreciation of the things of the Spirit.