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但是我们应该感恩的。But we should be thankful.

所以我指明thankful是true值。So I said thankful to true.

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对小恩小惠也要表示感谢。Be thankful for small mercies.

我真高兴我能在这里生活。I am thankful that I live here.

我为自己的好运道心存感激之情。I am thankful for my good fortune.

我开始感谢我的存在。I became thankful for my existence.

我将永远感谢梅甘。I shall always be thankful to Megan.

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谢天谢地,我已经打破了一个紧箍咒。I am thankful to have broken a spell.

我们已经走过了一段很长的路,我很感激。We’ve come a long way. I am thankful.

言语表达不了我的感激之情。Words can't express how thankful I am.

感谢自己那时的厌烦和疲倦不堪。Be thankful when you're tired and weary.

我感激我已经有了10根灰发。I'm 44! I'm thankful for all 10 gray hairs.

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我很感谢你,因为你曾静和我在一起。I'm thankful to you, because you were with me.

所以,为你所拥有的天赋高兴和感激吧。Be thankful and be happy for the gifts you have.

真感谢林姐让我认识了你。I'm truly thankful that Sister Lin introduced us.

雪莉说,“我们也感谢学校做了正确的事情。”But we're thankful the school did the right thing.

富足时须慷慨,逆境中要感恩。Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity.

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它培养你常怀感激的习惯。It allows you to develop the habit of being thankful.

没有东西是永恒的,所以抓紧时间感恩今天。Nothing is forever so take time to be thankful today.

感谢每一次新的挑衅。Be thankful for each new challenge, dr dre headphones.