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她是亚洲的恩雅。She is the Enya of Asia.

如果你在亚洲旅行,If you're travelling in Asia

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在亚洲哪些国家有付小费的传统?Does People Pay Tips In Asia?

西门子在亚洲市场上是个先驱者。Siemens was a pioneer in Asia.

亚洲中南部国家。A country of south-central Asia.

我在亚洲住过几年。I lived in Asia for a few years.

而我们想与亚洲一起成长。We want to be growing with Asia.

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亚洲是一体的——无论是好还是坏。Asia is one—for good and for ill.

印度豹生活在非洲和亚洲。Cheetahs live in Africa and Asia.

日本在亚洲是一大反例。Japan is the big paradox in Asia.

亚洲人好多都是吃粉面。People all over Asia eat noodles.

所以,在亚洲,每人都买了一件T恤,so everyone in Asia buys a shirt,

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是亚洲的罗密欧与朱丽叶。It's the Romeo and Juliet of Asia.

亚洲的明星就是世界的明星!Stars of Asia will be World Stars!

感谢您访问伟德亚洲网站。Thank you for visiting VCBet Asia.

你是说东方不败真的死了?You mean Asia Invincible is dead ?

亚洲新闻台关于龙鱼的节目。A documentary by Channel News Asia.

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在亚洲市场上,欧元兑美元回落至1.3755。EURUSD retreated to 1.3755 in Asia.

亚洲正从长眠中觉醒。Asia is awaking from her long sleep.

亚洲正从长睡中觉醒。Asia is awaking from her long sleep.