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机器人的立体声听觉转达答案。The robot’s stereophonic hearing conveyed the answers.

明星立体声影院是在旧影院基础上改建的。Mingxing stereophonic cinema is rebuilt on the basis of the old one.

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苏联人民真的不需要立体音响设备吗?Is it true that in the Soviet Union people donot need stereophonic equipment?

探讨了在双通路立体声条件下的双耳掩蔽效应。The binaural masking effect under stereophonic condition is mainly studied in this paper.

如果你买这台立体声组合音响,我们免费赠送两支进口麦克风。If you buy this stereophonic phonograph, we will give you two imported microphones free of charge.

本文是调频立体声广播国家标准验证论文之一。This paper is one of the verification intends for the National Standard on FM stereophonic broadcasting.

提出一种利用非标准的扬声器布置重发双通路立体声的方法。This paper proposes a way to reproduce stereophonic sound by using nonstandard loudspeaker arrangements.

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它是第一部用立体声制作的电影,声音好像从四面八方发出来。It was the first movie to be made in a form of stereophonic sound, or when sound is heard from more then one direction.

这引导了同步立体声磁带和8轨音带的发展,直到现在的复杂程度。This led to the development of synchronized stereophonic tape and eight-track tape, right up to the sophisticated present.

幻想曲还介绍了立体声到电影院的一种元素,并非受雇于其他工作室,直到以上十年后。Fantasia also introduced stereophonic sound to theaters, an element not employed by other studios until more than a decade later.

将自适应算法应用于实时立体声回波对消,以提高电话会议的通信质量。Adaptive algorithms are applied to real-time stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation to improve the communication quality of teleconference.

立体声电影院的音质设计,不仅应满足最佳混响时间T60的要求,而且要达到ISO2969的评价标准。The acoustical design of stereophonic cinema should not only satisfy the best reverberation time T60 but also reach the evaluation standard of ISO2969.

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但是人们要怎么能在电影院里听到呢?虽然立体音响自从上世纪五十年代就已问世,但是大部分的电影院播放的主要都是单声道,远远不如家庭声音质量。But how would people hear it in theaters?Stereophonic sound had been around since the 50s, but most movie houses were mainly monaural, far below home audio quality.

声道分离度是FM立体声广播系统的一项重要指标,它是整个广播系统立体声听觉质量的一个决定性因素。The Channel separation degree is an important index of the FM stereophonic broadcasting system, and itis also a decisive factor of aural quality in the whole system.

记得有一年到�生银行当暑期工,一到午饭时就到附近的音响器材店试听。I recall that while I was doing a summer job in Hang Seng Bank that year, I used to go to the nearby stereophonic equipment shops for trial listening during lunch hours.

系统不能精确地匹配输入和输出的情况。电子放大器就是一个非常普通的例子,另外还有家庭立体声音响放大器。The inability of a system to exactly match input and output, a general example being an electronic amplifier and the classic example being a home stereophonic amplifier.