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情况允许的话,也可以两者一起进行。or ideally, simultaneously both.

同时又提出另一种选择。And simultaneously suggest an alternative.

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你可以同时进行高达30个个游戏。You can play up to 30 games simultaneously.

允许同时搜索和编制索引。Allows searching and indexing simultaneously.

它们既可以同时也可以交迭进行。They can run either simultaneously or overlap.

一边说着,一边去瞧明兰。Simultaneously say, part go to lo clear orchid.

该基板同时提供稳定的。The baseplate simultaneously provides stability.

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至于约翰我将登时给他写信。Regarding John I will write to him simultaneously.

伴随着肉体的死亡,我的灵魂跟着逝去So simultaneously with my body dying, my soul dies.

因此我的身体死亡的同时,我灵魂也在死亡。So simultaneously with my body dying, my soul dies.

在两条道路上行驶不能同时进行。The two roads cannot be traveled on simultaneously.

同声翻译极困难的。To interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult.

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同时打开梯道门的控制器。Controls for unlocking stairway doors simultaneously.

气闸室的两个门不可以同时打开。Both airlock doors should not be opened simultaneously.

同时专业为品牌售后服务。Simultaneously specialized for brand post-sale service.

我们不约而同地看向月亮的银边。Simultaneously we looked to the silver rim of the moon.

电幕能够同时接收和放送。The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously.

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美国疾病控制与预防中心决定同时公布它的研究结果。The C.D.C. decided to release its results simultaneously.

心念、眼睛和嘴巴,切当都要并用。You should use your mind, eyes, and mouth simultaneously.

他不能在解决问题的同时又倾听或交谈。He can't solve problems and listen or talk simultaneously.