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这就像手表,有各式各样的复杂程度。It's like a watch – there are various levels of intricacy.

但其复杂性阻碍了它在图书馆界的广泛应用。But its intricacy cumbers its widely use in library sphere.

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在农产品贸易领域,贸易摩擦尤为复杂。In the agricultural trade field, the disputes are more intricacy.

一切都是古老的工艺品,只要欣赏他们的复杂性和工艺。All are ancient crafts, long appreciated for their intricacy and craftsmanship.

作业展示出质询之范畴和讨论复杂性之间适合的相互影响。The work shows a suitable interplay of scope of inquiry and intricacy of discussion.

在这么有秩序而精细复杂的自然界的背面,并没有神的智慧或计划。There is no divine mind or plan behind the order and intricacy of the natural world.

即使是迄今为止人类制造出的最复杂的电脑如果与人脑的复杂相比也望尘莫及。Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can't compare in intricacy with the brain.

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就复杂性而言,世界上已生产出的最为复杂的电脑也无法与大脑的复杂性相提并论。Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can’t compare in intricacy with the brain.

古城佩特拉的迷人之处就在于,它那从峭壁中精雕细凿而成的建筑物,绚丽精致,上下陡峭。The ancient city impresses with the beauty, intricacy , and sheer scale of its carved buildings.

即使人类研制出了最复杂的电脑,其复杂程序也无法与人脑相比。Even if man has built the most complicated computer, it cannot compare in intricacy with the brain.

你会看到每一个细小的步骤的精彩设计,计划和复杂才导致了你的存在。You will see the marvelous design, plan and intricacy in each tiny step that leads to your existence.

绍迈克地毯的正面看起来几乎象刺绣,纹饰复杂,使人想起绣花。The face of a Soumak can look almost like embroidery, with a intricacy of design reminiscent of needlepoint.

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超新星或许较为明亮耀眼,但其残骸翻腾无序,欠缺如同行星状星云般的对称与复杂。Supernovae may be flashier , but their debris is roiling and chaotic, lacking the symmetry and intricacy of these nebulae.

凭着对罐子内部结构的熟悉,入侵者们对它的复杂性做了一个很有吸引力的解释。With intimate knowledge of the intrinsic structure of the jar, intruders made an inviting interpretation of its intricacy.

数十年来,索尔·贝娄都因其生活背景的多元化及其作品的复杂性,受到评论界的极大关注。For decades Saul Bellow has attracted criticism attention with the complexity his background and the intricacy of his works.

增值运营业涉及的行业广泛,业务复杂,因此与各行业,各种类型的客户之间的信息交流很多。As value-added business spans several trades and operations are intricacy , lots of information is communicated through these trades.

正如我们在前面的章节中看到的那样,协调运用语言的复杂性,部分便在于在完成语言的“说”和“写”时所面临的不同的约束。Part of the intricacy of co-ordination in using language lies, as we saw in the pvious chapter, in the different constraints operating in speech and writing.

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正如我们在先前章节看到,使用语言配合错综复杂,部分源于处理演讲和写作不同限制条件。Part of the intricacy of co-ordination in using language lies, as we saw in the previous chapter, in the different constraints operating in speech and writing.

正如我们在前面的章节中看到的那样,协调运用语言的复杂性,部分便在于在完成语言的“说”和“写”时所面临的不同的约束。Part of the intricacy of co-ordination in using language lies, as we saw in the previous chapter, in the different constraints operating in speech and writing.

不断从各个角度回放片段让观众们在欣赏精彩场景和美丽画面时,也给他们时间来理解情形的错综复杂。Replaying events from different perspectives give the viewer time to digest the intricacy of the situations while enjoying the flash, colourful cinematography.