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那本书的书款你付过了吗?Did you pay for the bok?

博凯文化的核心是创新。Bok ¨ culture is the core of innovation.

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另一个博克球状体位于其前方。Another Bok globule is in the foreground.

芹菜、青菜、大黄茎和其他很多菜看起来就像骨骰。Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones.

如今我们正要进入了的长成级阶段。And now we are going to enter the growth stage of Cheon Bok Gung.

卤牛肉切丝,青江菜整棵洗净直切长条。Julienne stewed beef. Rinse the baby bok choy in stalks, then cut lengthwise into long strips.

菠菜、甘蓝、白菜和莴苣是对骨头、心脏和眼睛有好处的营养食品。Spinach,kale, bok choy and romaine are great sources of nutrients helpful for bones, heart and eyes.

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佐以烤鸭配奶油甘薯、小白菜及酸梅无以尚之。A perfect choice with Roast Duck on Creamed Golden Kumara, with Baby Bok Choy & Jus of Pickled Plums.

在这之后我们吃了点甜甜的酸酸的一种素肉,是用栗子,腰果,水做成的。After that the Sweet and Sour Seitan Bok Choy with Water Chestnuts and Cashews, and that was amazing.

加拿大诗人克里斯汀•波克希望自己的诗可以在他死后流芳千古。Canadian poet Christian Bok wants his work to live on after he's gone. Like, billions of years after.

一个叫“博克球状体”的冷氢“小金块”逆著该星团形成剪影。A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen called a bok globule is silhouetted against the star cluster.

不仅如此,青菜还含有丰富的维生素和铁元素,这些元素对我们的健康也是很重要的。More than that, though, bok choy also contains vitamins and iron, making it a very healthy treat for you.

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博克西奇在1991年南斯拉夫杯决赛对阵贝尔格莱德红星队的时候攻入了制胜一球。Bok? I? Scored in the1991yugoslavian cup final against red star belgrade for what proved to be the winning goal.

话虽这么说,烹制正宗意大利菜肴的时候,我们真的可以用中国产的小白菜来取代西兰花吗?So why not use those instead?' When cooking authentic Italian cuisine, though, can Chinese bok choy replace broccoli?

诸如今天上午韩国银行采取的降低利率的做法,是与一个较强势的货币不相符的。Interest rate cuts, such as the one implemented by the BOK this morning, may not be consistent with a stronger currency.

去找其他的十字花科蔬菜啊,像卷心菜,白菜,花椰菜沙拉,花菜,甘蓝等。Go for other cruciferous choices like cabbage, bok choy, shredded broccoli slaw, cabbage, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts.

酱汁利用点状点点缀,并以花朵,香料及青菜叶装饰组合成一个庭院。Add dots of sauce and decorate with flowers, mizuna and mini bok choi leaves, and fresh herbs to resemble a wild vegetable garden.

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孤立的、引力束缚的,质量在数百个太阳质量以下的小分子云称为包克球。Isolated gravitationally bound small molecular clouds with masses less than a few hundred times the mass of the sun are called Bok globule.

这个星云的核心部分又被标记为博克球状体CB230,它正在坍缩,其中很可能有一个双星系统正处于形成初期。Also cataloged as Bok globule CB230, the core of that cloud is collapsing and is likely a binary star system in the early stages of formation.

唐莴苣,菠菜,花椰菜,白菜,生菜,甜土豆,豆芽的任何一种,玉米,黄瓜,甜菜,水果。Swiss Chard, Spinach, Broccoli, Bok choy, Iceberg lettuce, Sweet Potatoes, Sprouts of any kind, Corn, Cucumbers, Beet Greens, Fruit in general.