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这幅画和墙搭配得很好,但是我敢说我能旋开它。The frame's fixed to the wall, but I daresay I could unscrew it.

我敢说,她讲的种种事情中实际上确有不少是她自己创作出来的。In fact, for a good deal of what she said, I daresay she was the author.

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不过我敢说,在她生活过的那个圈子里,他们一定是那样做的——保准没错。But I daresay in the set she's lived in they do--they never do anything else.

这实在是一个难题,并且我敢说你们中的一些人也为其所困。It is a very difficult question and I daresay that some of you have been troubled by it.

如果你是一名来自大陆的工厂工人,我猜想你可能会遇到很多不尊重你的事情。If you were a Mainlander there as a factory worker, I daresay you'll receive a lot less respect.

“照我看你很快就会见到她,”玫瑰花说,“她是那种有九个穗状花序的,你知道吧。”"I daresay you'll see her soon, " said the Rose. "She's one of the kind that has nine spikes, you know.

我敢说一个人自己因误下赌注而获利比因接受他人的建言作对事还多。I daresay one profits more by the mistakes one makes off one's own bat than by doing the right thing on somebody's else advice.

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能够像他那样熟练地说三十多种不同中国方言的学者恐怕是凤毛麟角。I daresay scholars who can, or could, speak thirty-odd Chinese dialects as fluently as Prof. Chao did have been like gold dust.

换句话说,如果编写模块,然后进行第一次测试,没有出现错误,那么我敢说您做的测试还不够严格。In other words, if you can code up your module, test it, and nothing goes wrong the first time, I daresay your tests aren't stringent enough.

一个朋友的婚礼上,司仪拿出一张百元钞票问在场所有人,谁想要请举手,大家想怕是司仪想出来整人的花招吧,没人说话。A friend's wedding, emcee took out a hundred dollar bill asked in place someone, who want to please raise hand, you think I daresay emcee think out those trick trick it, can't talk to people.

在之后的两天里,人们都在谈论它,而且我敢说,在他们回家去之后,他们依然会继续谈论它。They got costume changes, careful attention to music, and for the next two days people talked about it. I daresay they’ll continue to talk about it after they leave to go back to their homes.

哎呀,马尔福,”斯内普说,但他控制不住嘴角露出的淡淡笑容,“邓布利多教授只是暂时被董事会停职了,我敢说他很快就会回到我们中间的。”"Now, now, Malfoy, " said Snape, though he couldn't suppress a thin- lipped smile. "Professor Dumbledore has only been suspended by the governors. I daresay he'll be back with us soon enough.