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哪条路径是自发的?Which way will it go spontaneously?

这个反应同样自发发生。This one also happens spontaneously.

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对吧?或其他的一些。Or other things might react spontaneously.

心之本质随顺自然呈现。This nature of mind is spontaneously present.

我不理解,为什么他会自己燃烧了呢?I don't get it, why did Yogin spontaneously combust?

我将你们在这里组成三排。I will make up a third row somehow spontaneously here.

人类的三倍体胎儿通常会自然流产。Human triploid fetuses are usually spontaneously aborted.

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接著它们会自发性地放光而回到较低的能阶。They spontaneously emit light to return to a lower level.

动脉中的堵塞并不会自己重新打开。The blockages in the arteries never re-open spontaneously.

宇宙可以由无变有,自我创生!The universe can spontaneously create itself out of nothing.

那我们就是自发的认知“It comes spontaneously to us to say "red light" means "stop."

变异似是偶发和自发的。The mutations appear to occur sporadically and spontaneously.

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我是一个细心地规划者,很少会一时兴起去做什么事情。I am a careful planner, and I rarely do anything spontaneously.

这就是我们所需要计算的物理量,它能够告诉我们变化是否会自发发生。Here is what we calculate to tell whether it happens spontaneously.

心中不知不觉满腔热血、眼眶又红了。My heart was spontaneously filled with blood and my eyes turned red.

换言之,自动自发的学习是人类的独特性质之一。In other words, learning spontaneously is one of man's unique traits.

我们征集签名的时候,他们都自发来帮助我们。Also when we collected the signatures, people helped us spontaneously.

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冷凝后1周内心律失常均自行消失。Arrhythmias disappeared spontaneously within 1 week after cryoablation.

所以,人们自发的,商定共同分担风险。So, people naturally and spontaneously make arrangements to share risks.

人们自发地创建他们自己的社会网来完成工作。People spontaneously create their own social webs to get their work done.