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办法之一是限制细菌“搭便车”。One way is to restrict bacterial traffic.

谁有患细菌性心内膜炎的危险?Who is at risk for bacterial endocarditis?

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较高的酸性会阻挠细菌生长。The higher acid level thwarts bacterial growth.

20世纪70年代,科学家分离出了细菌的原生质。In the 1970s, scientists isolated bacterial plasmids.

软性下疳是一种性接触传播的细菌性传染病。Chancroid is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection.

细菌性穿孔病是李主要病害之一。Bacterial shot-hole is one of the major diseases in plum.

食油细菌正在高速的工作。Oil-eating bacterial microbes are working at a fast pace.

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硬膜穿刺后的细菌性脑膜炎。Review Articles Post-Dural Puncture Bacterial Meningitis.

对于菌种、质粒也是如此。The same should apply to bacterial strains, plasmids, etc.

病毒性和细菌性肺炎的症状类似。The symptoms of viral and bacterial pneumonia are similar.

同时,它还能阻止有害细菌的生长和繁殖,因为它能产生不利于细菌生长的环境。It produce an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth.

肌体更容易感染滤过性病毒和细菌病毒。This makes it easier to get viral and bacterial infections.

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哪一项是细菌操纵元的组成部分?Which of the following is a component of a bacterial operon?

急性会厌炎,一般多因感染所造成。Acute epiglottitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection.

目前该术语专用于细菌鞭毛。Strictly the term is now reserved for the bacterial flagellum.

颜色的变化并不意味着有细菌感染。The color change does not mean there is a bacterial infection.

猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病是猕猴桃的重要病害。Kiwifruit bacterial canker is an serious disease for kiwifruit.

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沙门氏菌是一种最普遍的引起食物中毒的病菌。Salmonella is the most common bacterial form of food poisoning.

某些细菌、细菌内毒素都可能诱导干扰素的形成。ZFN may also be induced by bacteria, some bacterial endotoxins.

目的探讨老年人细菌性胆管炎及治疗。Objective To study seniled bacterial cholangitis and its therapy.