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我们对此感到抱歉。We regret the typo.

然而,这一数字并非是编印有误。But it wasn't a typo.

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这样,玩家可以很快看到一个错字。This way the player can quickly notice a typo.

我已经将简单的打字排版错误提升为一种艺术形式。I have elevated the simple typo to an art form.

修正了战网邮箱注册界面的排版。Fixed a typo in the Battle. Net register email screen.

别以为是打印错误,我是专门写两遍的。No, that is not a typo. I intentionally wrote it twice.

修正了召唤者资料中的一些输入错误。Fixed a typo on the Masteries page in the Summoner Profile.

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当研究者把他们打错的词纠正时,他们认为自己打对了。If a typo had been corrected they thought they typed it right.

如果该代码包含任何错误输入,它在运行时肯定会失败。The code can fail at run time if it includes even a simple typo.

您可能想要变更具体的内容,或者只是简单地修复一个问题。You may want to change details, add details, or even just fix a typo.

输入出错,致使你错误的引用了一个无效的内部链接。You referenced an invalid internal link by mistake because of a typo.

好吧,这个视频包括了一些文字错误。我只是想告诉一些敏感的观众!OKEY, THE VID CONTAINS A TYPO . I just wanted to warn sensitive viewers!

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据估计,这些网站平均每个有大约280个误植域名。They estimate that each of the 3264 top sites is targeted by around 280 typo domains.

由于我在给第一本书的逐日年历排序时犯了个愚蠢的小错误。Because I had made a tiny, stupid little typo on my day-by-day calendar of the first book.

只要等一个错字改好,我会很快的将乐谱及mp3档案传给大家。I will release the music score and the mp3 file soon. Right now just waiting for fixing a typo.

铝箔复合粉煤灰保温瓦是一种新型保温绝热材料。The composite insulating tile of aluminium foil and flyash is a new typo of insulating material.

这个地方给你一个快速的综览,让你知道你的部落格发生甚麽事情了。Store This place gives you a quick overview of what happens on your Typo blog and what you can do.

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通过仿冒著名站点的名称来收集认证和注册信息。Typo pirates play on the names of famous sites to collect authentication and registration information.

在写下名字前要仔细检查,不要有拼写错误。不要忘了名字后面要加逗号。Check the name carefully before write down, don't make a typo. Don't forget the comma following the name.

基本来说,我写一些语法没有错误的英式英语,但是那只需要一个别字就能让那个工具发傻。Generally, I write grammatically correct British English, but it only takes one typo to confuse the tool.