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拿一块饺子皮。Grab a dumpling skin.

请吃饺子。Please eat the dumpling.

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正在包生煎。Wrapping the fry dumpling.

饺子是中国的一种特色美食。Dumpling is a Chinese cuisine.

谁能吃那只多余的蒸饺?。And who gets the extra dumpling?

饺子加汤的午餐特价是10元人民币。The dumpling and soup is 10 RMB.

饺子是最受欢迎的。Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.

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你对饺子王是什么看法?What do you think of Dumpling King?

这天,爸爸教我包汤团。One day, dad taught me pack dumpling.

哎呀呀,哎呀呀,我的儿子约翰。Diddle, diddle dumpling. My son, John.

又做饺子啦,这次是自己擀的饺子皮。Making dumpling wraps is not that hard.

汤圆又白又圆,看起来使人垂涎欲滴。Dumpling and white circle, look to drool.

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饺子和甜米团是什么意思?What do dumpling and sweet rice pudding mean?

特色五三饺子和汤售价10元人民币。The dumpling and soup lunch special is RMB 10.

元朝称饺子为“扁食”。Thee yuan dynasty called dumplings "dumpling".

饺子煮好以后,妈妈把饺子捞出来。Dumpling boiled dumplings, after mother put out.

妈妈常用卷心菜做饺子馅。Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage.

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人们在煮饺子的时候把一个硬币藏在一个饺子里面。People hide a coin in one dumpling while cooking.

我本希望母亲吃到这个大钱饺子。I had wanted Mother to eat the good-luck dumpling.

因为米粥是不可数名词,而饺子是可数名词。B. as porridge cannot count but dumpling can count.