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海龟与红色莫霍克。Turtles with red mohawk.

留大红莫西干头的球迷是对的,火箭在劫难逃。The big guy in the bright red mohawk was right.

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例如,一个剪着莫霍克头型的男模。One male model, for instance, had a Mohawk haircut.

还有他——留着大红色莫西干头的球迷。Then there was the big guy with the bright red mohawk.

他一直在夸耀自己的发型有多棒。and he's talking about how great he is with his Mohawk.

各种各样的脚本赛康的文件是由莫霍克细论文。A wide range of scripted Xeikon papers are made by Mohawk Fine Papers.

比如,你可以在"朋客式"的地点与一个"莫霍克人"来往。For example, you might associate someone with a "Mohawk" with the "punk" scene.

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比如,你可以在“朋客式”的地点与一个“莫霍克人”来往。For example, you might associate someone with a " Mohawk " with the "punk" scene.

呃,他去理发店理了一个硕大的橙色莫霍克发型,Well, he goes to the hairdresser and he gets a Mohawk that's huge and it's orange.

特卡瓦塞是莫霍克族的成员,有时被称为莫霍克族人的百合。Tekawitha was a member of the Mohawk Tribe, sometimes known as Lily of the Mohawks.

这些巨魔身着灰色的皮甲,留着红色的鸡冠头。This troll has blue-white skin under grayish leather armor, and he sports a red mohawk.

他买了土地,莫霍克河在北部奥奈达县,在那里他最终退休。He bought land on the Mohawk River in upstate Oneida County, where he eventually retired.

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莫霍克发型起源于美洲的一个土著部族,该部族被白人殖民者称为莫霍克族。The Mohawk style originates from a tribe of Native Americans called the Mohawk by white settlers.

通过此次收购的IP的路线,莫霍克现在是最大的非涂布纸的溢价。With the acquisition of IP's lines, Mohawk is now the largest producer of premium uncoated paper.

你不可以逗人笑和很亲密的时刻,但是你可以让女人帮你做个莫比干头。You can't have people laugh and have intimate moments, but you can have a woman give you a Mohawk.

这个名称源自美国原住民摩霍克族,该族在作战时习惯将头发削成一条。The Mohawk gets its name from a Native American tribe that used to put their hair into a strip during battle.

今天,我看见一个相当吓人的家伙,留着个长长的蓝色马希坎式发型,全身都是纹身,打满了各种各样的洞环。Today, I saw a pretty scary looking guy who had a tall blue mohawk and tattoos and piercings all over his body.

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我还遇到过一个手臂上留着莫霍克式印第安人刺青的男人,他也有同样的相信与不相信。I have met also a man with a mohawk Indian tattooed upon his arm, who held exactly similar beliefs and unbeliefs.

赏叶人喜欢去的另一州是麻萨诸塞州,莫霍克小径是游客较常走访的地方之一。Another popular state for leaf peepers is Massachusetts, where the Mohawk Trail is one of the more visited destinations.

另一个深受赏叶人喜爱的州是马萨诸塞州,莫霍克小径是游客较常走访的地方之一。Another popular state for leaf peepers is Massachusetts , where the Mohawk Trail is one of the more visited destinations.