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因为还是同样的躯干。cause it's the same torsel.

约翰斯的大脑,史密斯的躯干。Johns' brain, Smith's torsel.

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或者说是,躯体移植。or as we might put it, a torsel transplant.

约翰斯的躯干受损,大脑完好。Johns' torsel gets destroyed, his brain is fine.

史密斯大脑受损,躯干完好。Smith--brain has gotten destroyed, his torsel is fine.

史密斯,躯干完好,但整个大脑受损。Smith, torsel is fine, but his entire brain has been destroyed.

书的主人公,英雄裘徳,裘徳认为,身体最重要的部位是躯干。The heroic of that story, good Jude, good Jude actually thinks the key part of the body is the torsel.

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为了梁承志能自食其力,她又多方奔走,为他在某酒楼找到一份工作。Can support oneself for the torsel will, she in every way runs, found a work for him in some restaurant.

把约翰斯的大脑放进史密斯的躯干,再把各个部位按原样连接好,它醒了,它是谁?We take Johns' brain, we put it in Smith's torsel we hook up all the wires as it were, ? the thing wakes up, who is that?

我想说的是遵循大脑论,你接受的是大脑移植,但事实是,是另一个人接受了躯干移植。All I want to say is the fan of the brain theory you got a brain transplant, what's really happened is somebody else has got a torsel transplant.

又是场可怕的车祸,约翰斯的躯干受损,左半脑受损,但右半脑完好。Horrible accident, Johns' torsel has been destroyed and the left half of his brain has been destroyed, but the right half of the brain is still there.