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但是打字机很慢。But typewriter is slow.

这架打字机老掉牙了。The typewriter is obsolete.

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不要摆弄那架打字机了。Don't fiddle with the typewriter.

我的打印纸用完了。I've run out of typewriter paper.

打字机啪嗒啪嗒地响着。The typewriter was clattering away.

她现在用电动打字机吗?Does she use an electric typewriter?

她拿过罩子将打字机套上。She drew a cover over the typewriter.

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用完后请把打字机罩好。Please cover the typewriter after use.

公司把打字机赊卖给他。The firm trusted him for a typewriter.

走动中把打字机放在台子上。Move. Putting a typewriter on the desk.

不,我不总用。我经常用打字机。No,I don't. I usually use a typewriter.

不,我不用,我通常使用打字机。No, I don’t. I usually use a typewriter.

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他还用着老式打字机。He still used an old- fashion typewriter.

我买了一个打字机的塑料外罩。I bought a plastic cover for a typewriter.

她用打字机打出了一封信。She tapped out a letter on the typewriter.

打字机啪嗒啪嗒响个不停。The typewriter was shattering continously.

他用打字机打出了一篇文章。He tapped out an article on the typewriter.

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这是中文等宽字体的测试。This is a test of English TypeWriter fonts.

是的,很快。但是打字机太慢了。Yes,I can. But the typewriter is very slow.

这部打字机真是价廉物美。This typewriter is very cheap and fine indeed.