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“我不!”一个刺耳的男性声音辩护道。I won't! " a raspy male voice asserted."

“那还用说,”理发师斩钉截铁地说。"Without a doubt, " the barber asserted.

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侵占罪的认定问题。The respect asserted of embezzlement crime.

他愤怒地声称有人设计陷害他。He angrily asserted that he had been set up.

每一个前提都是一个主张的句子。Each of the premises is an asserted sentence.

被告宣称他是被诬害的。The accused asserted that he had been framed up.

正如达尔文所言,物竞天择,适者生存。As asserted by Darwin, only the fittest can survive.

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这又是一个言论声明多于事实证明的议点。That’s another point more often asserted than proven.

目击者断言那售货员是不诚实的。The witness asserted that the salesman was dishonest.

“不错!”诗人有点洋洋得意地应道。"Yes, truly, " asserted the poet with conscious pride.

她说她要组织演出一部音乐喜剧。She asserted that she was going to stage a musical comedy.

他始终声称他有分享那笔遗产的权利。He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage.

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还有演示声称,是太阳活动导致了气候转变。Still another asserted that solar activity caused climate shifts.

我没有计算过,当然我可以断言是这样的结果。I didn't derive this, of course. I asserted that this is the case.

希刺克厉夫少爷大为恼火,硬说她的叙述全是假的。Master Heathcliff, much irritated, asserted her relation was false.

辛格宣称,印度既支持该专门小组,也支持它的主席。But Singh asserted that India backed both the panel and its chairman.

不过俄罗斯方面宣称他们的意图是为了管控机场。The Russians asserted their intention to keep control of the airport.

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埃达断言那个矮个子男人就是那天晚上袭击她的人。Ada asserted that the short man was the one who attacked her that night.

他宣称中国更深层的问题是它的增长构成。He asserted that China's deeper problem was the composition of its growth.

“人类缺失依拉鲁肽作用的C细胞受体,”他断言。"Humans lack the C-cell receptors that liraglutide acts on, " he asserted.