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而我们人类呢,则为它们的生存提供了上佳的处所,简直是让它们寄生在我们的社会当中。And in doing so, we were breeding them for parasitism.

指寄生虫对软体动物造成的损伤的器官、组织等。The impaired organ, tissue, etc. Of mollusc host caused by parasitism.

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癌细胞能在人体的哪几个部位寄生?Can cancer cell be in the parasitism of which a few place of human body?

同一生理小种的寄生性,因供试植物的属,种或种内材料的不同而有差异。The parasitism of a certain race differed with genera, species, or materials under test.

本试验通过对55539粒松毛虫卵的考查,发现有卵蜂共寄生现象。Investigation on 55539 eggs of D. punctatus discovered associated parasitism of egg parasite.

对寄生率的分析表明同一世代和不同世代寄生蜂的寄生率无明显相关。There are no correlations of three parasitism rates in the same generation and different generations.

这个区别反映了寄生虫对于克服寄生障碍所具有的不同的适应性。This distinction reflects adaptations made by the parasite to overcome certain barriers to parasitism.

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从梅第奇家族赞助艺术开始,艺术家就一直无法摆脱寄生的地位。Since the sponsorship of the Medici Family, artists have never escaped from the position of parasitism.

该蜱经鉴定为革蜱若虫,它寄生在城镇牛和其他家畜身上。Appraisal of this tick classics is change tick nymph, its parasitism is on town ox and other cattle body.

钩虫病是由于钩虫寄生在人体小肠所引起的疾病。The uncinariasis uncinariasis is because the uncinaria parasitism causes in the human body small intestine disease.

人体寄生虫学是一门研究与医学有关的寄生虫及其与宿主关系的科学。Human Parasitology is a science on the studies of parasitism and the interactions between parasites and their hosts.

人体寄生虫学是一门研究与医学有关的寄生虫及其与宿主关系的科学。Medical Parasitology is a science on the studies of parasitism and the interactions between parasites and their hosts.

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寄生虫与宿主之间相互关系的诠释是理解寄生虫成功寄生及防控寄生虫病的关键。The relationship between parasite and its host is the key to understand the successful parasitism and control the parasitosis.

「我们这里有很多的畸形动物,然而这些畸型不必然都是肇因于过去的那些关于寄生虫的思维,」史盖利表示。"We have a major deformity outbreak, and it is not necessarily associated with parasitism as previously thought, " Skelly said.

用透明胶带法观察蠕形螨在人体面部的寄生、逸出及其在体外的存活能力。Using cellophane method, the parasitism and excursion of vermiform mites on human faces and their survival in vitro were observed.

而在隐藏于背后的深层社会关系方面,注重分析非正式经济及以地生财的寄生性经济。In social relations lurked in the background, we emphasize on analysis of the informal economy and Parasitism money to the economy.

以大蜡螟的低龄幼虫为寄主,在实验室条件下对蜡螟绒茧蜂的寄生作用进行了研究。The parasitism of Apanteles galleriae was studied in the laboratory condition with the young larvae of Galleria mellonela as its host.

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用透明胶带法观察蠕形螨在人体面部的寄生、逸出及其在体外的存活能力。The parasitism and excursion of vermiform mites on human faces and their survival in vitro were observed by using the cellophane method.

近年来,平腹小蜂人工卵的研究虽获得一定的进展,但仍然存在寄生率低和不稳定等问题。Although it showed some promising results, there are still some problems, such as the lower parasitism and instability etc. to be solved.

通过现有病例结合相关文献分析曼氏裂头蚴在供肾的寄生特征。Parasitism characteristics of spirometra mansoni sparganum in the living donor kidney are analyzed by present cases and relevant literatures.