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有一点是不同的,尽管是有些像芭蕾的。One thing it is not, though, is balletic.

但是,动作又不失力量美,就好像芭蕾舞那样。There's a strength in that, but it's very balletic.

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菲莉帕‧约翰逊是马术技巧和芭蕾舞艺术的完美结晶。Philippa Johnson is the perfect mix of equestrian skill and balletic movement.

在令人迷惑的芭蕾舞中,长颈鹿用脖子互相缠斗。In a bewildering balletic dance, giraffes use their necks to head butt each other in battle.

他们优雅的肢体语言和柔软的精彩表现帮助湖人摆脱落后的完美的动作的女性的形式。Their graceful body language and lithe movements underline the balletic perfection of the female form.

艺术体操的装备——像圈和带——使运动员像芭蕾舞演员。And the accoutrements of rhythmic gymnastics — the hoop, the swirling ribbon — divert from the balletic grace of the athletes.

阿里的技术风格与大多数重量级拳手都不相同,他不仅以重拳的力道获胜,更拥有着迅疾如风的双手和如芭蕾舞般优雅的脚步。Unlike most great heavyweights, he won not with heavy punching power but with the speed of his hands and the balletic grace of his feet.

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在他转体、旋转、轴转时,又带着芭蕾舞般的优雅。Martinez moved around and up the poll with the athleticism of an accomplished gymnast, twisting, turning and pivoting with balletic grace.

过去两个赛季,他向我们展示了他优美的平衡能力,他的技术,他的灵气,在这个众星云集的球队里他依然熠熠夺目。For all his balletic balance his skill and intelligence over the past couple of seasons he still looked like just one more star in a rather crowded galaxy.

相比较优雅的费德勒和强壮的纳达尔,观众只有通过底线才能判断谁是世界上最快的球员。In place of the contrasting styles of the balletic Federer and the muscular Nadal, spectators were treated to long baseline rallies between two of the fastest players on the planet.