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从表面上看,你象个很有勇气的人。Outwardly you appear to be a man of courage.

可是我觉得我现在是“外强中干”。But I am "outwardly strong and inwardly weak".

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你所有的四肢应该是向外转。All four of your limbs should be outwardly turning.

向外侧撑开快速固定卡片,抽出仪表即可。Pull the quick-fixed cards outwardly and draw out the instrument.

表面上看,他是一个模范学生,实际上,他在偷偷地研习黑魔术。Outwardly he is a model student, but he secretly studies Dark Arts.

拥有内在美和外在美同样重要。Having "inner beauty" is just as important as being outwardly beautiful.

早餐之后我离开家的时候,我的里里外外都在颤抖。As I left home after breakfast, I shivered inwardly as well as outwardly.

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表面上她显得很自信,其实她非常紧张。Outwardly she looked confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.

从表面上看,他钢铁般意志维持着他,因为他看上去没有受到影响。Outwardly he gives off a steely and emotionless vibe, as if he's unaffected.

虽然外表文雅,但卡米诺人其实不能容忍任何缺陷。Though outwardly polite, the Kaminoans foster an intolerance of imperfection.

目的探讨兔心室肌细胞上外向整流性氯电流的特性。Objective To explore the character of the outwardly rectifying chloride current.

表面上他们都表现的很冷漠,但其实非常看重感官享受和爱情。Outwardly they may pretend to be very cool but they are very sensual and loving.

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所有高迪的作品,不管表面上看起来多么的不羁,都是由内在规律引申出的。All of Gaudí's works, however outwardly unruly, proceed from internal discipline.

你的人生中,外面发生的事情还不及在你内心发生的事重要。What happens outwardly in your life is not as important as what happens inside you.

它表面上是什叶派伊斯兰教,而实际上是泛神论的宗教。It has outwardly Shi"ite Islamic elements, but is really a Shamanic-Pantheistic faith.

表面上我显得很平静也很坚强,但我已经开始感觉到可怕扼住我的喉咙。Outwardly I was calm and reassuring, but I was beginning to feel fear gripping my throat.

然而,这并不能完全解释出外向燃烧的红色膨胀气体的来源。This doesn't fully explain the source of the red-glowing outwardly expanding gas, however.

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不要总幻想其他夫妻的生活有多么美好,即便他们的婚姻看上去十分完美。Don’t fall into the trap of idealizing other couples and their outwardly perfect marriages.

外表上,他们表现的十分冷酷、平静,但其实内心深处极具热情。Outwardly they maintain a cool and calm composure but buried deep inside are great passions.

她从外表来看创意多多,崇尚自由,一直期待与一个同道中人在一起。Outwardly creative and liberal, she always anticipated that she'd end up with someone similar.