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恒久朝拜圣体是「敬礼中的敬礼」。Perpetual Eucharistic adoration is the "devotion of devotions."

教会和世界都极之需要朝拜圣体。The Church and the world have great need of Eucharistic adoration.

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不守圣体斋,也能领圣体吗?Can Communion ever be received without keeping the Eucharistic Fast?

感恩祭礼仪和个人祈祷也以祈求宽恕作为必要的准备。Asking forgiveness is the prerequisite for both the Eucharistic liturgy and personal prayer.

在他写这封信的时代,圣餐仪式很可能,与后来的也不同。He's also writing in a time when some of the Eucharistic practices may also be not like they were later.

杜绝堕胎行为,只是每个堂区应该有恒久朝拜圣体众多原因的其中一个。Putting an end to abortion is just one of many reasons why every parish should have perpetual Eucharistic adoration.

每日与圣体中的耶稣相遇可以使我们沉浸在持久不息、无条件的爱中。The daily encounter with our Eucharistic Lord allows us to be caught up in the mystery of continual and unconditional love.

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门徒们在参与这第一次圣体庆祝时,宣认基督是默西亚,是君王。The disciples, by their participation in that First Eucharistic Celebration, proclaim loyalty to Jesus as Messiah and king.

弥撒由廿二位神父共祭,本地官员及菲律宾华裔团体成员亦有出席。Local government officials and members of the Chinese-Filipino community attended the Eucharistic Celebration concelebrated by 22 priests.

在传统的基督教教堂里,当祭坛或圣餐台面向东时,指圣坛或祭坛的南侧。In the traditional orientation of some Christian churches, the south side of a chancel or sanctuary when the altar or Eucharistic table faces east.

这是一个有力的声明,肯定朝拜圣体的惊人威力,这力量将要改造我们的「死亡文化」,转变成为一个「生命文化」。This is a powerful statement that affirms the awesome power of Eucharistic adoration, the power that will transform our "culture of death" into a culture of life.

朝拜圣体是最有力的方法,我们可以用来赢得众多的恩宠,使罪人悔改,和那些涉及堕胎和别的伤害人命的罪人得到救赎。Eucharistic adoration is the most powerful means one can employ to win graces for the conversion and salvation of those involved in abortion and other sins against human life.

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大约在公元700年,在意大利的Lanciano市,一个巴西勒修会修道士被指派来以拉丁仪式庆祝圣体献祭,地点是St.Legontian的小教堂。In the city of Lanciano, Italy, around A.D. 700, a Basilian monk and priest was assigned to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice in the Latin Rite in the small Church of St. Legontian.

我们会先看他们各自在圣餐问题上的神学,然后我们会看改教家对基督人性的看法,以及他们在“肉体”与“灵魂”上的争论。We will start by looking at each Reformer's Eucharistic theology in particular, and then we will turn to the Reformers' views of Christ's humanity and their debate over "flesh" and "spirit.

每一个支持生命工作者的使徒事业的心灵,应该是每周朝拜圣体守圣时,特别为了终止整个世界的避孕、堕胎和安乐死行为。The heart of the apostolate of every pro-life worker should be a weekly Eucharistic holy hour dedicated specifically to the end of contraception, abortion and euthanasia throughout the world.